Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
¡Pedimos la incorporación de la mujer a la producción!

Title: ¡Pedimos la incorporación de la mujer a la producción!
Title translation: We ask for the incorporation of women into production!
Author/Publisher Group: Partido Comunista de España (Sector Sur) / Célula 2
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"This broadside makes the case that, if necessary, women are "capable of adapting to the work which men do" at times when there is a "shortage" of men in "industry, business, and the countryside." Of interest, the document cites a proposition from the Counsellor of Labor and Public Works which includes the three articles translated here. "Article 1: [The Council] creates the Institute of Women's Professional Training, accountable to the Department of Labor of the Autonomous Government of Cataluña. Article 2: The Institute of Women's Professional Adaptation has the mission to professionally train women for the jobs of the rearguard with goal of sustaining the men who have left their positions to join the Army. Article 15: Women will be able to aspire to all the duties which men perform, without any limitation other than that which a medical examination determines in every case. According to the equality of physical aptitudes of women, [they can perform] the same work of men. And to the equality of work, an equal salary."