Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War

Title: Trabajadores
Title translation: Workers
Author/Publisher Group: Comite Provincial de Madrid del Partido Comunista
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"The presence in the present Government of the two syndic Offices, an expression of their unity in this critical moment of the war, has been saluted by all our city with empassioned enthusiasm. You, in order to make this act magnificent, in order to defend your future and the independence of the country, have a duty, which you must fulfill with pride: INCREASE PRODUCTION TO THE MAXIMUM, OBTAIN THE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY FROM THE MACHINES. The Government of the national union and of the war will mobilize all men, it will put all resources in motion. All men, all women, all children of the nation we must achieve MAXIMUM STRENGTH now. As to the soldiers, the Government cries out to all spaniards of the rearguard: RESIST! FIGHT WITHOUT DISCOURAGEMENT! WORK WITHOUT REST! The resistance of today guarantees us the independence of Spain and a happy victory for tomorrow." "