Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
A todos los militantes y simpatizantes (pioneros) de doce a dieciocho años:

Title: A todos los militantes y simpatizantes (pioneros) de doce a dieciocho años:
Title translation: To all militants and sympathizers (pioneers) 12 to 18 years old
Author/Publisher Group: Comité de Madrid de la Juventud Socialista Unificada
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"The first three paragraphs read: "In Madrid there has been a tradition of the youth attending the Schools of Arts and Trades. Since the war began, these Schools have not functioned. The Schools of Arts and Trades have served for initiating thousands of youths in different trades, however afterwards they were not finding where to get a job. But today the situation has changed. The popular revolution has awakened among the youth the desire to learn in order to be useful to their Fatherland, because moreover they have all the means in thier hands (Popular Universities, Labor Institute and, ultimately, they have opened the gates of the advanced instruction). Our Organization, as the educated Youth of the youths, considers that learning, [and] educating is the preoccupation that every youth should have, and because of this we recommend to all taht they go to the places of instruction, because we need technical staff for tomorrow."