Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
Manifiesto con ocasión de la formación de la 1.a División de Voluntarios

Title: Manifiesto con ocasión de la formación de la 1.a División de Voluntarios
Title translation: Manifest on the occasion of the formation of the First Volunteer Division
Author/Publisher Group: Juventud Socialista Unificada
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"Youth of Madrid: Spain calls you! The first Volunteer Youth Division has been formed. The Division of heroes, the Division of steel which will know to oppose the invasion with a barricade of heroic courage. Youth of Madrid: Spain calls you! Once again cry out to the ends of our land THEY WILL NOT PASS!, the rally cry from July and November. The Spanish youth has responded to the call of Spain in danger as they have done on all occasions that it has been necessary. Now you must respond in the same way. The Youth Division calls you. All Youth to arms. The position of all youths not mobilized by the Government is in the Volunteer Youth Division. Your brothers at the front need you!"