Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
¡Viva el 1 de Agosto!

Title: ¡Viva el 1 de Agosto!
Title translation: Long Live August 1st!
Author/Publisher Group: Partido Comunista de España (Sector Este) / Célula 71
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"In the past years on this day of the fight of the International Proletariat against war and fascism, the workers were visible in the streets defeating the persecution from the repressive armed bodies of the Bourgeoisie. Today for us the order has changed, and this day we must dedicate to reinforcing our ties of unity with Socialist comrades in Companies, Factories and Workshops, creating the committee [of the] Pro-Fusion Single Party of the Proletariat. We must forge the weapon of victory! Long live the Single Party of the Proletariat."