Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
Semana de las Tres LLL

Title: Semana de las Tres LLL
Title translation: Week of the 3 Ls
Author/Publisher Group: Partido Comunista de España (Sector Oeste) / Célula 52
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"[It has been] 14 years, on this date, since they gave up their lives full of sacrifices in the holocaust of the working class[; they are] three figures which symbolize the greatest geniuses of the revolution: LENIN, LIEBKNECHT and LUXEMBURGO. They left us a world full of hopes and they were the most self-sacrificing teachers of the working class. We, in order to remember them should honor their memory, making [sure] that our unity is more potent, and with it insuring that the country of the proletariat would be the five parts of the world. We must honor the memory of our teachers! Lenin, Liebknecht and Luxemburg!"