Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War
En el XX Aniversario de la U. R. S. S.

Title: En el XX Aniversario de la U. R. S. S.
Title translation: In the 20th Anniversary of the USSR
Author/Publisher Group: Partido Comunista de España (Sector Oeste) / Célula 54
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1937
Label/Document Translation:

"WORKER: If France, in a revolution that marks a new glorious era for Humanity, gave you human rights; Russia has done, in the [last] twenty years, still more for you: it marked for you the possibility of obtaining the full confirmation of them, over which the bourgeoisie was haggling you, and the affirmation of your indispensable duty of achieving the well-being and happiness for you and yours. It taught you how to abolish the bourgeoisie, your enemy. To mark this date in your memory as an indelible thing, you must not forget that which you owe to countrymen, and in the action of supreme gratitude. Imitate the fight and conquer!"