San José del Cabo (Jesuit, 1730). "Virtually nothing remains at these two sites to indicate the size or shape of these buildings. Both were apparently of adobe, but even that would be difficult to ascertain."

El Pilar at Todos Santos Mission (Dominican, 1777). Located in the center of the city of Todos Santos in the cape region, this mission structure has been renovated many times through the years. "...hardly recognizable as an old mission."

Santa Rosa de las Palmas Mission (Jesuit, 1730s?) "In complete ruins. Small sections of walls standing are used as pig sties...Some say this mission was first built on the southeast Gulf Coast, near Santiago before the move to Todos Santos."

San Luis Gonzaga Mission (Jesuit, 1737 or 1740). "A well-constructed, medium sized building of stone that has remained well-preserved and was restored by a wealthy philanthropic rancher." This is where Jacob Baegert labored as a missionary. His book, first published in German in 1772, is an important early account of Baja California's people and natural history. An English translation was published in 1952 by the University of California Press.

Dolores del Sur Mission ruins (Jesuit, 1721). "A very small, white stone building that has completely tumbled as if by an earthquake. Known locally only as 'La Capilla,' the chapel."

Rancho La Presa. An attractive ranch on the edge of the mountains north of La Paz.