Cataviña. Chapel north of Cataviña. 1956.

Shrine in rocky country. 1959

La Virgen. 1961

Rancho San José in San José Canyon. 1960.

San Luis de Cataviña. 1961.

Santa Inéz. 1953. "Cattle ranch with small garden plots irrigated from the arroyo. Good drinking water from a well."

Santa María mission (Jesuit, 1767). 1961. "The mission of Santa María de los Angeles was moved in 1767 to this spot, known to the Indians as Cabujacaamang, when the first site at Calamajué proved unfit for a mission. The founder Padre Arnés, was here less than a year before he and all the rest of the Jesuits were expelled from California by royal decree. The chapel was built by the Franciscans in 1768, but in the following year the place was abandoned in preference to the more fertile site of San Fernando."