Images of Baja California: Images by Howard Gulick
Mulegé, April 18, 1956

Mulegé. 1953-1956. "Mulegé is an attractive oasis settlement two miles from the Gulf, on the Arroyo de Santa Rosalía. Dense groves of date palms make a welcome contrast to the surrounding barren country and give the impression of a tropical paradise such as one might expect to find in the South Seas ... The Jesuits founded the mission of Mulegé in 1705, on the site of an Indian rancheria called Caamanc-ca-galejá"

Mulegé, April 18, 1956
Mulegé, April 18, 1956
Mulegé, April 18, 1956
Mulegé, April 18, 1955
Mulegé Mission, 1953
Mulegé Mission, 1953
Mulegé, 1953
Cemetery, Mulegé, April 12, 1957

Mulegé. 1957. Cemetery.

Cemetery, Mulegé, April 12, 1957