Images of Baja California: Images by Howard Gulick
Rancho La Palma, road to San Carlos, April 23, 1961
Poza near Rancho San Carlos, April 23, 1961

Poza near Rancho San Carlos & old reservoir. 1961.

Poza near San Carlos, April 23, 1961
Old reservoir, San Carlos, April 23, 1961
Rancho San Carlos, April 23, 1961
Santa Rosalía, 1953

Santa Rosalía. 1953. "Santa Rosalía come into existence in the 1870s when copper-bearing ore was discovered in the vicinity. In 1884-85 the holdings of a number of independent miners were bought up by the Boleo Mining Company, a French corporation associated with the Rothschild interests."

Santa Rosalía, 1953
Santa Rosalía, 1953
Santa Rosalía, 1953
Santa Rosalía Blacksmith Shop, April 20, 1956

Santa Rosalía blacksmith shop. 1956