Open in order to ensure public access to research
Today we are highlighting the call for action to support H.R. 3427 / S. 1701, the bipartisan Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR).
Help pass FASTR and spread the word about the positive effects this legislation will have on research, the academic community, entrepreneurs, students, and the general public. Now is the time to reach out to your Members of Congress and tell them they should support FASTR! SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)
“Passing FASTR will ensure a stable path for greater innovation and economic and job growth by opening up access to publicly funded research, once and for all,” said Heather Joseph, Executive Director of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC). “Although numerous federal agencies have released their plans, it is crucial that we make open access to taxpayer-funded research the law of the land. We’re grateful to Representatives Doyle, Lofgren, and Yoder for their steadfast support of this bipartisan legislation.” SPARC News
SPARC has a number of resources to support taking action and becoming more informed on this crucial bill to support access to research.
- Frequently Asked Questions for university administrators & faculty
- Act Now to pass the FASTR Act
- Template letter of support for FASTR
- Call your members of Congress – sample script
- Engage your Representatives on social media – sample tweets (can also post these messages on Representatives’ Facebook pages)
If you want to keep informed about all legislation and science policy news, the American Institute of Physics has up-to-date information on recent authorization bills in Congress relevant to the sciences and science policy news.