Posted On: January 27, 2016
Teaching Assistants and Teaching Apprentices may schedule office hours or drop in review sessions in the Library in our specially designed spaces. Quarterly reservations are available for the consultation cubicle in the East Commons as well room 201 in the Biomedical Library Building. Students, if you would like your TA to meet you in the Library, let them know about this service.
Visit our webpage for details or Learning Spaces Program’s Outreach Specialist Dorthea Stewart, at or 858.534.8378 for reservations.
Space Offerings
The Geisel TA/Instructor Consultations Area currently offers a round table & 3 chairs in a semi-private area. Mobile whiteboards are available in the surrounding area that can be used, as needed. While no computer is available, wireless and powered outlets are available.
The BLB Consultations Area is in Room 201, beyond the book stacks on the 2nd floor. It offers a large table with chairs and a wall-mounted whiteboard in a small room. While no computer is available, wireless and powered outlets are available.
We welcome any suggestions about additional equipment that might be useful in the spaces.