Metadata for file +-----------------------+ Date Updated: 2022-02-01 Files in +--------------+ - CR1000X_Downieville_RF407_TwoMin.dat -- contains surface meteorology data. TwoMin File +--------------+ (first column = 1) Date (column 1) = yyyy-mm-dd HH:MN:SS in UTC Air Temperature Avg (column 3) = [deg C] Air Temperature Max (column 4) = [deg C] Air Temperature Min (column 5) = [deg C] Relative Humidity Avg (column 6) = [%] Relative Humidity Max (column 7) = [%] Relative Humidity Min (column 8) = [%] Raw Barometric Pressure Avg (column 9) Barometric Pressure Avg (column 10) = [mb] Barometric Pressure Max (column 11) = [mb] Barometric Pressure Min (column 12) = [mb] Wind Speed Vector 1 (column 13) Wind Speed Vector 2 (column 14) Wind Speed Vector 3 (column 15) Wind Speed Max (column 16) = [m/s, meters per second] Wind Direction Average (column 17) = [deg] Solar Radiation (column 18) = [W/m^2, watts per square meter] Raw Solar mV (column 19) = [mV] Solar Sensor Temp (column 20) = [deg C] Solar X orient (column 21) = [deg] Solar Y orient (column 22) = [deg] Solar Z orient (column 23) = [deg] Precipitation (column 24) = [mm] Site details +----------+ Lat: 39.5633 Long: -120.8243 Elev: 906m Site Description: DLA is on an open, west-facing hillside with ~17deg slope and ~284deg aspect in a residential area of Downieville, CA. Processing +---------+ This data has not undergone any processing. CW3E is currently working on a partly automated, partly manual QC process to clean and improve all data as it is downloaded to make it easier for interested scientists and stakeholders to use. This is an ongoing effort and planned updates for precipitation and soil moisture data include the following: - Create automated flagging system for missing timestamps and for values outside of realistic range (e.g., <0). - Continue visual assessment for unrealistic jumps and comparisons between other nearby stream gauges and precipitation observations. Notes on revisions to this README file (newest -> oldest) +-------------------------------------------------------+ - 2022.02.01 Version: Initial version of README