Shrine 10 Sequence Buildings,Floors Elevation,Floors Elevation Average,Floors Relative Heights,"Floors Absolute Heights for ArcScene, CAD, and Unity",Inhumated skeletons,notes on burials VIB.10,N/A,1.07 m above floor of B24. This approximate elevation was guessed using Mellaart's photo showing the floors of VII.10 and VI.B (proportion approximated using scale) and averaging the relative elevation difference between B17.B and B6.3 (1.15m) and B6.3 and B24 (0.99 cm). VIA.10 is 60 cm higher than VIB.10,1.07m (above B.24),3.82m ,"32 (from both VI.A and VI.B, two phases of the same building, E.VI.10",this is the highest number of burials in a building recorded by Mellaart (1967: 205)