================================================================================ Satellite\Sentinel-1\readme-Sentinel-1.txt Sebtinel-1 Data Description Roland Romeiser - rromeiser@miami.edu - 2020-2021 ### Satellite\Sentinel-1\Images\ ### This folder contains quicklook (low quality) versions of 18 SAR images of the test area acquired by the two Sentinel-1 satellites in September - October 2017. The images are provided as PNG files embedded in KMZ files, so they can be viewed in Google Earth. Alternatively, the PNG files can be extracted as separate files by opening the KMZ files in 7-Zip or a similar software tool. The quicklook images should be used for orientation only. Any use of the SAR images for quantitative analysis or for figures in publications or presentations should be based on the full-resolution data, which are provided on a 10 m × 10 m grid, while the data you see here have been reduced to about 250 m × 250 m. With the full-resolution data you will also obtain additional information about incidence angles, calibration constants, etc. Original Sentinel-1 data can be downloaded free of charge (after registering) from the Copernicus Open Access Hub (https://scihub.copernicus.eu/) or the Alaska Satellite Facility (https://search.asf.alaska.edu/). (C) ESA 2017 - European Space Agency. Due to copyright protection, we cannot include the original data in this project data archive. All images shown here were acquired in Interferometric Wide Swath (IW) Mode, VV and VH polarization. The quicklook images are the VV polarization images. Archive structure: The archive Images_Preview.tar.gz contains the KMZ files. The KMZ file name format is YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS_$$$.kmz, where dates and times are start times of the SAR image acquisitions and $$$ is an identifier of the satellite that acquired the SAR image (S1A or S1B). For questions or collaboration requests, please contact Roland Romeiser (PI) - rromeiser@miami.edu Hans C. Graber (Co-PI) - hgraber@cstars.miami.edu ### Satellite\Sentinel-1\Winds_ESA\ ### This folder contains KMZ files visualizing wind fields derived from 18 Sentinel-1 SAR images of the test area acquired in Sep-Oct 2017. Both the wind fields and the SAR images can be downloaded free of charge (after registering) from the Copernicus Open Access Hub (https://scihub.copernicus.eu/) or from the Alaska Satellite Facility (https://search.asf.alaska.edu/). Due to copyright limitations, we cannot include the original data in this project data archive. ESA's wind fields are available as NetCDF files containing 10 m equivalent neutral winds on a 1000 m × 1000 m grid. The KMZ files were produced by us. Archive structure: The archive Winds_CSTARS_Preview.tar.gz contains the KMZ files. The KMZ file name format is YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS_$$$_Winds_ESA.kmz, where dates and times are start times of the SAR image acquisitions and $$$ is an identifier of the satellite that acquired the SAR image (S1A or S1B). For questions or collaboration requests, please contact Roland Romeiser (PI) - rromeiser@miami.edu ================================================================================