ATMO readme % S.H. Suanda, 10/01/2021, This folder contains representative atmospheric forcing used in ISDE hindcast simulations. Atmospheric forcing was provided by the Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) courtesy of the Naval Research Laboratory. Results here were extracted from a grid point (~ 5km from Pt. Sal shoreline). Variable: 'name', 'units' Uwind: '10-meter u-wind component', 'meter second-1' Vwind: '10-meter v-wind component', 'meter second-1' Pair: 'surface air pressure', 'millibar' Qair: 'surface air relative humidity', 'percentage' lwrad_down: 'downward solar longwave radiation', 'Watts meter-2' Tair: 'surface air temperature', 'Celsius' swrad: 'solar shortwave radiation', 'Watts meter-2' rain: 'rain fall rate', 'kilogram meter-2 second-1'