HINDCAST_MODELS readme % S.H. Suanda, 10/01/2021, suandas@uncw.edu This is a readme for the ISDE Modeling group hindcast model results for the ONR Inner-Shelf DRI experiment (2015 - 2017). Files are saved in MATLAB format (.mat). This folder includes: 1) this readme 2) Representative atmospheric forcing time series for model runs (/ATMO) 3) Hourly surface temperature and velocity from Y2000 simulations (/HSY2000) 4) Hourly surface temperature and velocity from Y2015 simulations (/HSY2015) 5) Hourly surface temperature and velocity from Y2017 simulations (/HSY2017) 6) Daily-averaged 4D temperature and velocity from Y2017 simulations (/DDY2017) 7) MATLAB functions to plot (/FUNCTIONS) This is the start of our model-output archive for ISDE. It includes the surface temperature and velocities from the following model years and nests: Y2000: 200m Y2015: 600m, 200m, 66m, 22m Y2017: 600m, 200m, 40m It also includes 4D daily-averaged files of depth-time resolved temperature, and horizontal velocities u,v: Y2017: 600m, 200m, 40m 3 Example MATLAB functions to make quick plots of these data are also provided (see test_plots_ptsal.m): animate_ptsalsim.m (Animates the sea surface T, u, v for a single ISDE simulation) make_ptsaldeptime.m (Plots T, u, v depth-time plot at virtual mooring through 2017) make_ptsaltrans.m (Plots T, u, v x-shore transect for chosen day during 2017) Potential additions: SWAN runs, WWave coupled simulations