README for expNum23_RawData.tar This contains the raw data for experiment number 23, from 25 August 2015 along with a .csv file containing microscope metadata for each image, and a notes file with notes on the experiment (which may include multiple positions). Cells were held in glucose for > 24 hours and then switched to galactose and then imaged. When unzipped, this will have the following structure: RawData > cfpImages > > raw tif files with names cfp_PosX_frameY.tif etc. > yfpImages > > raw tif files with names yfp_PosX_frameY.tif etc. > transImages > > raw tif files with names trans_PosX_frameY.tif etc. > a594Images > > raw tif files with names a594_PosX_frameY.tif etc. > segmentationImages > > raw tif files with names segZ_PosX_frameY.tif etc. > metaInfos_experiment23.csv > Notes_2015_08_25_MF_glu-gala.txt X is the position of the field of view in the microfluidics device. See the experiment name. Y is the frame number. Z is the segmentation plane going from below the focal plane to above. This data was taken on a Nikon TiE microscope in the Rifkin lab at UCSD. --- README for expNum23_ImageAnalysis.tar This contains the image analysis information for experiment number 23. When unzipped, this will have the following structure: ImageAnalysis > cellClassification > > localRFClassifier.mat - a matlab .mat file with the random forest used to classify the cells as experimental/control/bad > segmentationAndIDMasks > > files of the form trans_PosX_frameY_UniqID.mat - these are matlab .mat files containing several variables. - 'cellMask' is a binary mask of the segmented cells - 'parameters' is a struct with parameters used by the segmentation algorithm - 'iChunk' can be ignored - 'iFrame' relates to the frame number of the image - 'cellMaskLabeled' is again a cell mask, but each segmented object is labeled with its unique identifier in the entire dataset > segmentationParameters > > cellRegionMasks.mat - a matlab struct called cellRegionMasks which has a mask outlining the region containing cells in the field of view. Entries are every 25 frames. Used to eliminate false positives and reduce processing. > > segmentationParameters1.mat - a struct called segPars containing parameters used in th segmentation algorithm. the algorithm considers three sets of parameters > > segmentationParameters2.mat > > segmentationParameters3.mat X is the position of the field of view in the microfluidics device. See the experiment name. Y is the frame number. This analysis used Matlab2014a and Matlab2014b.