Data Files Accompanying: “Control of Interfacial Cl2 and N2O5 Reactivity by a Zwitterionic Phospholipid in Comparison with Ionic and Uncharged Surfactants” Authors: Joseph R. Gord, Xianyuan Zhao, Erica Liu, Timothy H. Bertram, Gilbert M. Nathanson Journal: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A Contact: Timothy H. Bertram,, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, OR Gilbert M. Nathanson,, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison Cite as: Gord, Joseph. R.; Zhao, Xianyuan; Liu, Erica; Bertram, Timothy H.; Nathanson, Gil M. (2018). Data from: Control of Interfacial Cl2 and N2O5 Reactivity by a Zwitterionic Phospholipid in Comparison with Ionic and Uncharged Surfactants. In Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment (CAICE). UC San Diego Library Digital Collections. Dataset. For scattering data, each excel file contains four columns. The first column contains the time data (x) for the spectrum, given in microseconds. The second column contains the data for the averaged, recorded experimental spectrum. The third column contains the IS component left over after the Maxwell-Boltzmann fit is determined. (Note* Sometimes an IS component is not included. In these cases, the experimental spectrum is completely accounted for by the Maxwell-Boltzmann fit.) The fourth column contains the Maxwell-Boltzmann fit to the experimental data. See paper and references therein for experimental details, and equations. For surface tension data, each file contains three columns. The first column gives the bulk concentration of the species added to a solution already containing 300 mM NaBr. Added concentrations are reported in M. The second column gives the average of the measured ST values at each concentration. These ST values are reported in mN/m. The third column gives the surface concentration calculated from the Langmuir fit parameters extracted by fitting the ST vs Conc data to a Langmuir isotherm. These are reported in #/cm^2. See paper and references therein for appropriate experimental details and appropriate equations.