Data Files Accompanying: Biologically Induced Changes in the Partitioning of Submicron Particulates Between Bulk Seawater and the Sea Surface Microlayer Authors: Daniel R. Crocker, Grant B. Deane, Ruochen Cao, Mitchell V. Santander, Clare K. Morris, Brock A. Mitts, Julie Dinasquet, Sarah Amiri, Francesca Malfatti, Kimberly A. Prather, Mark H. Thiemens Journal: Geophysical Research Letters Contact: Daniel Crocker,, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California San Diego Cite as: Crocker, Daniel R.; Deane, Grant B.; Cao, Ruochen; Santander, Mitchell V.; Morris, Clare K.; Mitts, Brock A.; Dinasquet, Julie; Amiri, Sarah; Malfatti, Francesca; Prather, Kimberly A.; Thiemens, Mark H. (2021): Data from: Biologically Induced Changes in the Partitioning of Submicron Particulates Between Bulk Seawater and the Sea Surface Microlayer. In Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment (CAICE) Collection. UC San Diego Library Digital Collections. DOI: This data package contains both data spreadsheets and MATLAB files (.m and .mat) associated with the SeaSCAPE manuscript cited above. The data spreadsheets are in .xslx format with three tabs as described below. First tab: Daily Seawater Measurements The first column (A) of this tab provides each date in day/month/year format for both Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. Columns B-I give the daily seawater concentrations for size-segregated bulk and sea surface microlayer (SSML) particulates. Columns J-L give the bulk seawater concentrations of averaged chl-a, bacteria, and viruses, and Column M gives the SSML transparent exopolymer particulate (TEP) concentrations. All measurements were made on seawater collected once per day except chl-a which was averaged over the 24 hour period. This data can be used to recreate Figure 2, SI Figure S1 and S3, and Tables S1 and S2. Second tab: Size-Segregated Particulates This tab provides the particulate size distributions (# m^-3 µm^-1) measured by Multispectral Advanced Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (MANTA). The particulate size distributions are binned at 0.01 µm particulate diameter intervals, and the first column (A) of this tab gives the particulate diameter midpoints for each bin in µm. The rest of the columns give the particulate size distributions but split into the bloom phases as done in the primary manuscript. Experiment 1 has a prebloom, growth, and postpeak phase for both the bulk seawater and sea surface microlayer (SSML). Because Experiment 2 lacked the growth of a phytoplankton bloom, there are only bulk seawater and SSML prebloom values for this experiment. This data can be used to recreate the SeaSCAPE data plotted in Figure 1. Third tab: SSML Particulate Enrichment The first column of this tab provides the particulate diameters binned at 0.05 µm intervals. The remainder of the columns provide the SSML particulate enrichment values as calculated via Equation 3 in the manuscript. The SSML particulate enrichment values are also split up by bloom phase. There are values for prebloom, growth, and postpeak in Experiment 1, and values for only prebloom in Experiment 2. This data can be used to plot the SeaSCAPE SSML enrichment data in Figure 4 of the manuscript. Matlab Files: Modal analyses of the particulate size distributions were in MATLAB2019b software using the maximum likelihood estimates (mle) function for parameters of a normal distribution. The code to reproduce the modal decomposition shown in manuscript Figure 3 is provided in the "LognormalDistributionsMutlimodal.m" file. Also included is the the "LognormalDistributionsMutlimodal.mat" workspace, that allows the code to run properly and reproduce the modal analyses in Figure 3.