Data Files Accompanying: Airborne transmission pathway for coastal water pollution Authors: Matthew A. Pendergraft, Derek J. Grimes, Sarah N. Giddings, Falk Feddersen, Charlotte M. Beall, Christopher Lee, Mitchell V. Santander, Kimberly A. Prather Journal: PeerJ Contact: Matthew A. Pendergraft, or, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego Cite as: Matthew A. Pendergraft, Derek J. Grimes, Sarah N. Giddings, Falk Feddersen, Charlotte M. Beall, Christopher Lee, Mitchell V. Santander, Kimberly A. Prather (2021): Data from: Airborne transmission pathway for coastal water pollution. In Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment (CAICE) Collection. UC San Diego Library Digital Collections. DOI: Note: RWT = rhodamine WT; dye used in the study Code folder: * all code are written in the MATLAB language and can be processed in MATLAB or Octave * The .m files (also available in .txt format) can be opened with common text editors like Notepad. Processing fluorescence data from aerosols sampled into liquid. 1. run Pend_CSIDE_RamAreas_ScanToNFList.m It uses as inputs: *Pend_CSIDE_Ramans.txt ; also available as Pend_CSIDE_Ramans.csv - correction factors for fluorescence intensities at excitation wavelengths given in column 1 for each time a Raman correction was run (each time instrument was ran). Row 1: corresponding data file name. Row 2: gain (medium or high). Column 1: wavelengths. Column 2: correction factors for given wavelengths and gain for given day *RamanIntegrationRange.m - by K.R. Murphy - MATLAB code; can be opened in text editors And produces: Pend_CSIDE_RamanAreas.txt ; also available as Pend_CSIDE_RamanAreas.csv - included; so above can be skipped 2. run: Pend_CSIDE_ReadEEMs.m - This takes the fluorescence data from each scan of each sample ... - does the background correction ... - takes the average of the 3 scans ... - to generate the average, background corrected fluorescence intensity inputs: Pend_CSIDE_RamanAreas.txt ; also available as Pend_CSIDE_RamanAreas.csv - Raman normalization values 3. Run or read & reproduce the calibration code: Pend_CSIDE_CalCurve.m Applying the calibration curve to the fluorescence data generates the concentration of RWT in each liquid sample. The data are in: folder_scan_Fluor_PPB_2019mar19.mat - contains the 39x4 cell scanAVGs7 ... (The file contains just that cell but they don't have the same name.) ... - 4 variables in 4 columns: 1. data folder name (gives the date sample was collected & ran) 2. the name of the data in the EEMs Folder corresponding to that sample 3. fluorescence intensity 4. RWT concentration in ppb in the liquid sample from calibration curve. I also converted it to CSV: folder_scan_Fluor_PPB_2019mar19.csv Table 1 is provided in Pend_CSIDE_Table1.docx & Pend_CSIDE_Table1.xlsx: The aerial measurements of dye concentrations in the coastal waters are in: example file name: DYE_N_0923_xshore_corrected.mat N -Northern half of study area 0923 - September 23, 2015 merge_N_S_CSIDE.m - merges the North and South dye measurements