# Burn-Rules Calibrated risk predictions for prescribed burn simulations ### Directories ``` ├── bp3d/ <- bp3d API ├ ├── data/ <- folder for data ├ ├── piedmont/ <- Piedmont data (JSON & labels) ├ ├── processed/ <- folder for data after preprocessing & feature engineering ├ ├── raw/ <- folder from data extracted from the JSON data ├ ├── studhorse/ <- Studhorse data (JSON & labels) ├ ├── Model_Reports/ <- All model run log files as saved by papermill ├ ├── Reporting/ <- source R and python code to generate model reports ├ ├── make_report.R <- R script to render an R Markdown template from the command line ├ ├── reporting_utils.R <- R reporting helper functions ├ ├── utils.py <- python functions to call R scripts and generate R Markdown reports ├ ├── reports/ <- All saved model reports ├ ├── saved_models/ <- All the trained models and fold results ├ ├── src/ <- Python source code ├ ├── AccessEnsemble/ <- QUIC-Fire Ensemble Class ├ ├── FeatureEngineering/ <- Useful feature engineering functions ├ ├── cross_validation.py <- Code for cross validation techniques ├ ├── paths.py <- Setting paths ├ ├── utils.py <- helper functions ├ ├── templates/ <- Rmarkdown template for the model report 0_MODELING_PIPELINE.ipynb <- Papermill orchestration 1_accessing_data.ipynb <- API call to grab raw data and save to `data/raw` folder 2_feature_engineering.ipynb <- Preprocessing / feature engineering notebook 3_process_datasets.ipynb <- Converts data into a BinaryClassificationDataset with cv indices 4_train_model.ipynb <- Trains the logistic regression to predict calibrated risk scores 5_create_model_report.ipynb <- Generates a model report for the run (AUC, CAL, LOSS, ROC Curve, Reliability diagram, and model coefs) build_docker.sh <- shell script to build docker image to use all the code in this repository dockerfile <- dockerfile with docker build requirements extract_docker.sh <- shell script to extract models from docker container to local machine README.md <- The document you are reading now Risk-Predictions.Rmd <- A proof-of-concept shiny application run_docker.sh <- shell script to spin up a docker container from the image build with the build_docker.sh ``` ### How to use this repository 1. Setup Docker 1. Install [docker desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) 2. Pull this repository 3. If using Windows see [Windows Instructions](#windows-instructions) 5. Execute in your command line `./build_docker.sh` 3. Spinning up the docker container 1. Execute in your command line `./run_docker.sh` 2. Navigate to the jupyter lab link shown in your command line (starting with ``) 4. Run a modeling experiment by opening `0_MODELING_PIPELINE.ipynb` and running it 5. Once you are happy with the experiments that have been run in the docker container, navigate back to the host machine and execute `extract_docker.sh` in the command line ### Windows Instructions 1. Windows Subsystem Linux is required for Windows platform users. 1. See [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install) for additional instructions 2. For most users: 1. Open PowerShell or CMD and run command: `wsl --install` 2. By default this will install Ubuntu. Our program was tested on Ubuntu. Other linux distributions may work but might lead to unexpected behavior 3. Once WSL has been installed: 1. Open PowerShell or CMD 2. Activate WSL by running command `wsl` 3. Follow instructions above as usual.