Data Files Accompanying: ÒImportance of Supermicron Ice Nucleating Particles in Nascent Sea SprayÓ Authors: Mitts, Brock A. | Wang, Xiaofei | Lucero, Dolan D. | Beall, Charlotte M. | Deane, Grant B. | DeMott, Paul J. | Prather, Kimberly, A. Journal: Geophysical Research Letters Contact: Kimberly Prather,, Scripps Institution of Oceanography & Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego Cite as: Mitts, Brock A.; Wang, Xiaofei; Lucero, Dolan D.; Beall, Charlotte M.; Deane, Grant B.; DeMott, Paul J.; Prather, Kimberly A. (2020). Data from: Importance of supermicron ice nucleating particles in nascent sea spray. In Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment (CAICE). UC San Diego Library Digital Collections. File description: Within the Ice Nucleation file folder are files containing the ice nucleating particle concentration and the freezing temperatures associated with each freezing event. The files are broken down to separate the ice nucleating particles in the sea spray aerosols for bloom 1, bloom 2, and then the ice nucleating entities for bloom 2, one for the sea surface microlayer, and one for the bulk seawater. Each file represents a separate day of sampling. The ice nucleation files contain the freezing temperature in column 1 followed by the concentration of INP in column 2 and then the lower and upper 95% confidence interval in columns 3 and 4, respectively. The ice nucleating particle concentration was calculated based on the process highlighted in Beall et al. (2017) which is reported in the main text. The Biological Measurements folder contains the files with the chlorophyll-a concentrations, the heterotrophic bacteria counts and the virus counts. Chlorophyll-a concentrations were measured using a handheld fluorometer (Turner Designs, AquaFluor). Three or four samples were taken each day and measured either 3 or 5 times which were then averaged to have an average value for each sample. The mean fluorescence was then calculated by averaging all samples of each day. The daily chlorophyll-a fluorescence was then converted to the chlorophyll-a concentrations based on a calibration to chlorophyll-a standards. The equation used to convert from fluorescence, in relative fluorescence units (RFU), to chlorophyll-a concentration (µg/L) was as follows: Chlorophyll-a concentration (µg/L) = 0.1118*(Chlorophyll-a fluorescence (RFU))+0.3074 The heterotrophic bacteria counts and the virus counts were taken using an epifluorescence microscope. The number of bacteria or viruses were counted on images taken with the microscope and then scaled up to the total sample size based on the field of view from the microscope. The area factor and the dilution factor are both listed in the files. Under the Sizing folder are the values of dN/dlogDp across the size bins measured with the aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) and the scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) for each day of both phytoplankton blooms. The sizing data is broken down by sampling period for both the APS and the SMPS with each sampling run measuring the dN/dlogDp. The first row column of data corresponds to the average bin diameter and the subsequent columns are the particle counts (in dN/dlogDp) for each sample period. The bin diameter for the APS is in units of micrometers whereas the bin diameter for the SMPS is in nanometers. During the second bloom a different inlet nozzle was used for the SMPS which resulted in a larger lower size limit (14 nm vs 9 nm). Therefore, the normalizations to the area and volume were based on the values from the size bin at 14 nm up to the size bin with a midpoint diameter of 450 nm for the SMPS. Then the size bins from physical diameters of 460 nm up to 960 nm were used from the APS for the submicron particle normalization. The size bin above 960nm was greater than 1 µm and therefore not included in the submicron normalization. The total particle normalization used the same diameters cut points for the APS and SMPS as the submicron normalization.