APL_PLANE readme % C. Chickadel, 2020 Oct 28, chickadel@apl.uw.edu This is a readme for the UW APL airborne data taken for ONR DRI Inner Shelf experiment in September and October 2017. This folder includes: 1) this readme 2) log files from each flight (folder: /LOGS) 3) summary plots of the plane mission flightlines (PNG files) 4) Infrared image mosaics (folder: /IR) 5) Visual-band (RGB or electro-optical, EO) image mosaics (folder: /EO) 6) Point, longwave-IR radiometer measurements (folder: /RADIOMETER) 7) Micro, along-track, interoferometric, synthetic-aperture, radar (ATI-SAR) processed data (folder: /uASAR)