README % C. Chickadel, - 01 May 2020 These Matlab .mat files contains thermal infrared (IR) radiometer data with filenames like: INNERSHELF_2017Oct09_INS_radiometer.mat The variable in the radiometer image files are: name: size (examples): description: lat [125813x1 double] latitude, ground footprint location calculated from the plane nav data lon [125813x1 double] longitude, ground footprint location calculated from the plane nav data tempRad [125813x1 double] 1 second mean (from 20 Hz data) radiometric SST brightness temperature. timeEpoch [125813x1 double] time stamp in epoch time (UTC) timeMatlabUTC [125813x1 double] time stamp in Matlab datenum (UTC) NOTE: 1. The radiometer instrument was a Heitronics KT-15 pointing at nadir (straight down). The KT-15 brightness temperature was not corrected for emissivity angle due to plane orientation or reflected background (sky) radiance. 2. epoch time is the seconds since 1970 Jan 1 0000 UTC. Use the functions epoch2Matlab.m and matlab2Epoch.m to convert to and from Matlab's datenum.