README % C. Chickadel, - 08 May 2018 These Matlab .mat files contains visible camera (EO) data mosaics, and radiometer data from the 2017 Inner Shelf overflights. Filenames are of the form: INNERSHELF_2017Oct11_EO_mosaicked.mat and/or INNERSHELF_2017Oct11_EO_mosaicked_focus.mat The differences inn the files are in the region mapped. The "focus" files are tailored to fit the specific region surveyed while the others are mapped to the same region spanning the whole Inner Shelf domain. The variables in the EO image files are: name size (example) description ---------------------------------------------------------------- SRGB 1701x901x3x19 unscaled EO image data NS 1701x901x19 EO image scale factor (ignore) Xs 1701x901 easting grid coordinates (MGRS-UTM, meters) Ys 1701x901 northing grid coordinates (MGRS-UTM, meters) time 1x19 time in epoch for each EO image NOTE: 1. epoch time is the seconds since 1970 Jan 1 0000 UTC. Use the functions epoch2Matlab.m and matlab2Epoch.m to convert to and from Matlab's datenum. 2. there are some empty EO maps due to the nature of the processing, please ignore. 3. In an attempt to minimize sun glint, bright image pixels have been removed. Because many images overlap in the construction of the mosaic this usually results in a non glinty ocean surface. However, portions of the land (bright sand, for example) are sometimes masked out. % example Matlab script to display the infrared (IR) temperature maps for j = 1:length(time) clf image(Xs(1,:)/1000,Ys(:,1)/1000,SRGB(:,:,:,j)) axis image xy title(datestr(epoch2Matlab(time(j)))) xlabel('E [km]') ylabel('N [km]') axis image xy pause end