%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is a ‘ReadMe’ of the netCDF files for the 2017 Inner Shelf DRI experiment micro ATI SAR (MASAR or uASAR) processed data. The uASAR data are processed and stored as single transects. Data are stored in netCDF containers with file names of the format: uASAR_MMDDYYYY_hhmmss.nc (e.g. uASAR_09122017_142321.nc, where the time and date are in UTC) The netCDF files contain the fields: 'start_time', 'long_name', 'Start of acquisition' 'end_time', 'long_name', 'End of acquisition' 'start_time_text', 'long_name', 'Start of acquisition (text representation)' 'end_time_text', 'long_name', 'End of acquisition (text representation)' 'utm_e', 'long_name', 'UTM eastings' 'utm_n', 'long_name', 'UTM northings' 'lon', 'long_name', 'Longitude' 'lat', 'long_name', 'Latitude' 'power_aft', 'long_name', 'Backscattered power (aft radar)' 'power_fwd', 'long_name', 'Backscattered power (forward radar)' 'snr_aft', 'long_name', 'SNR (aft radar)' 'snr_fwd', 'long_name', 'SNR (fwd radar)' 'vx', 'long_name', 'x-component of surface velocity' 'vy', 'long_name', 'y-component of surface velocity' 'sigma_vx', 'long_name', 'standard deviation in the x-component of surface velocity' 'sigma_vy', 'long_name', 'standard deviation in the y-component of surface velocity' 'distance_aft', 'long_name', 'distance between radar and pixel (aft radar)' 'distance_fwd', 'long_name', 'distance between radar and pixel (forward radar)' 'start_time', 'units', 'seconds since 1970-01-01' 'end_time', 'units', 'seconds since 1970-01-01' 'utm_e', 'units', 'meter' 'utm_n', 'units', 'meter' 'lon', 'units', 'degree' 'lat', 'units', 'degree' 'power_aft', 'units', 'dB' 'power_fwd', 'units', 'dB' 'snr_aft', 'units', 'dB' 'snr_fwd', 'units', 'dB' 'vx', 'units', 'm/s' 'vy', 'units', 'm/s' 'sigma_vx', 'units', 'm/s' 'sigma_vy', 'units', 'm/s' 'distance_aft', 'units', 'm' 'distance_fwd', 'units', 'm' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% C. Chickadel, chickadel@apl.washington.edu, APL-UW, 2018 Dec 12