README % C. Chickadel, - 08 May 2018 These Matlab .mat files contains thermal infrared (IR) data mosaics Filenames are of the form: INNERSHELF_2017Oct11_IR_mosaicked.mat (IR imagery of the larger scale study site) INNERSHELF_2017Oct11_IR_mosaicked_focus_test.mat (IR imagery of the specific region imaged that day) The variable in the IR image files (ends in ‘_mosaicked’) are: name: size (examples): description: NT 4081x1751x30 image scale factor ST 4081x1751x30 unscaled raw IR image data (about 250 counts/degree) STC 4081x1751x30 scaled raw IR image data W 4081x1751 ignore, processing by product Xs 4081x1751 easting grid coordinates (MGRS-UTM, meters) Ys 4081x1751 northing grid coordinates (MGRS-UTM, meters) time 1x30 center (average) time in epoch for each transect NOTE: 1. epoch time is the seconds since 1970 Jan 1 0000 UTC. Use the functions epoch2Matlab.m and matlab2Epoch.m to convert to and from Matlab's datenum. 2. there are some empty IR maps due to the nature of the processing, please ignore. % example Matlab script to display the infrared (IR) temperature maps for j = 1:length(time) clf imagesc(Xs(1,:)/1000,Ys(:,1)/1000,STC(:,:,j)) colorbar title(datestr(epoch2Matlab(time(j)))) xlabel('E [km]') ylabel('N [km]') axis image xy pause end 3. The IR data have not been calibrated (yet) to temperature or corrected for camera drift. The latter effect often results in large scale changes in mean temperature, so for the Inner Shelf project this can manifest as a N-S increase or decrease in temperature for each mosaicked strip. For now, it's best to use a this as a relative temperature indicator (remove a mean and use the 250 count/degree response to get an approximation of local dT).