# Mosaic of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Figure 2 and 3: Mosaic of SST for the observed internal wave, with Point Sal as the coordinate origin (-120.67045 longitude, 34.90303 latitude). In figures 2b, 2c, and 3, the coordinate system is rotated to match the local orientation of the internal wave. ##MOSAIC.mat These files contain the mosaic of SST (with the mean value removed), as well as the corresponding x and y coordinates (relative to Point Sal). The resolution is 0.4 meters. ##Areas.mat These files contain the coordinates (4 points of rectangle, relative to Point Sal) of the areas 1 through 9 (as used in Figures 2 and 3). ##Zoom.mat These files contain the mosaics of SST corresponding to the areas 1 through 9 (as used in Figures 2 and 3). The coordinate system was rotated to match the orientation of the internal wave, and the mean was removed. The resolution is 0.4 meters.