Cite as: Marques, Olavo B.; Alford, Matthew H.; Pinkel, Robert; MacKinnon, Jennifer A.; Klymak, Jody M.; Nash, Jonathan D.; Waterhouse, Amy F.; Kelly, Samuel M.; Simmons, Harper L.; Braznikov, Dmitry (2021). Data from: Internal Tide Structure and Temporal Variability on the Reflective Continental Slope of Southeastern Tasmania. UC San Diego Library Digital Collections. Article: Marques, O. B., M. H. Alford, R. Pinkel, J. A. MacKinnon, J. M. Klymak, J. D. Nash, A. F. Waterhouse, S. M. Kelly, H. L. Simmons, and D. Braznikov. (2020). Internal tide structure and temporal variability on the reflective continental slope of southeastern Tasmania. Journal of Physical Oceanography. Description: This collection contains in situ data from the Tasman Tidal Dissipation Experiment (T-TIDE) that was analyzed in Marques et al. (2020). These data were obtained from three moorings (M5, T5 and T6) and one shipboard station (S2) taken between January and March in 2015. Mooring data is presented in two levels: raw (gridded) and processed (with higher-level quantities). Station data is given in one file only. Time variables include ""time"" and ""yday"". The former is in Matlab's datenum format of the UTC time and the latter is the UTC yearday in 2015. ""z"" refers to depth (of the observations) and ""p"" is the pressure. Horizontal velocity is denoted by (u, v), where u (v) is the zonal (meridional) component. The magnetic declination used in the calculation is 15.189 clockwise from the geographic north. For hydrographic data, a number of different variables are used: - t: in situ temperature. - s: practical salinity. - sgth or sgth0: potential density relative to the surface. - SA: absolute salinity. - CT: conservative temperature - N2: buoyancy frequency squared. Higher-level variables include (see also Marques et al. (2020)). - eta: vertical isopycnal displacement. - HKE: horizontal kinetic energy. - APE: available potential energy. - pp: (internal-wave) pressure perturbation. - up (or vp): zonal (or meridional) velocity times pressure perturbation. - FU (or FV): zonal (or meridional) energy flux. Suffixes to variables: - avg: time(wave)-averaging (see Marques et al. (2020)). - cumint: cumulative (depth) integral. Processed dataset include time-filtered data for several different frequencies: - f0: inertial frequency. - D2: semidiurnal frequency (bandpassed data). - D1: diurnal frequency. - M2: lunar semidiurnal frequency (harmonically fitted data). - S2: solar semidiurnal frequency. - M2S2: variables from M2 added to S2. - O1, K1 and O1K1: similar to M2, S2 and M2S2, but for diurnal tidal frequencies. The specific contents of this collection are: ---- ~/M5/ ---- This mooring directory has data from one ADCP and two McLane Moored Profilers (MMPs). Each MMP (MP107 and MPH2) has a CTD and a current meter. The current meter on MP107 is an Aquadopp current profiler and on the MPH2 is a FSI acoustic current meter. Because of different instrumentations and problems in the clocks of instruments on MPH2 (that have been taken care of), data from each MMP are given in different formats. ~/M5/raw/ ~/M5/raw/ADCP/ ~/M5/raw/ADCP/SN8112_TTIDE_AVE_10min.mat ~/M5/raw/MP107/ctd/ ~/M5/raw/MP107/ctd/M5_mp107_ctd_grid.mat ~/M5/raw/MP107/aqdp/M5_mp107_AQDP_grid.mat ~/M5/raw/MPH2/all/ ~/M5/raw/MPH2/all/M5_mmpH2_dataproc.mat ~/M5/proc/ ~/M5/proc/M5_vel_proc.mat ~/M5/proc/M5_eta_proc.mat ~/M5/proc/M5_flux_data.mat ---- ~/T5/ ---- This mooring has two downward-looking ADCPs, several (~35) thermistors and a couple of CTDs. CTD data is used to estimate salinity and potential density from the thermistor temperature data. eta and APE are calculated from thermistor data. ~/T5/raw/ ~/T5/raw/T5_therms_data.mat ~/T5/raw/T5_vel_data.mat ~/T5/proc/ ~/T5/proc/T5_eta_proc.mat ~/T5/proc/T5_vel_proc.mat ---- ~/T6/ ---- This mooring is analogous to T5. ~/T6/raw/ ~/T6/raw/T6_therms_data.mat ~/T6/raw/T6_vel_data.mat ~/T6/proc/ ~/T6/proc/T6_eta_proc.mat ~/T6/proc/T6_vel_proc.mat ---- ~/S2/ ---- ~/S2/ ~/S2/S2_data.mat All data is presented in *.mat files, generated in Matlab, version (R2015a).