README % SWIFT drifter data, Jim Thomson Data products from the Surface Wave Instrument Float with Tracking (SWIFT) are ensembles from 512-second "bursts" of raw data. These are in a single structure in Matlab. The structure is a collection of individual structures, with data products for each burst. Use square brackets to index all burst ensembles, i.e.: >> plot([SWIFT.time],[SWIFT.sigwaveheight],'x') and download the SWIFT code library at for plotting tools, etc. SWIFT.time: UTC timestamp in MATLAB datenum format (serial days since 0 Jan 0000) latitude in decimal degrees SWIFT.lon: longitude in decimal degrees SWIFT.driftdirT: drift direction TOWARDS, in degrees True (equivalent to "course over ground") SWIFT.dirftspd: drift speed in m/s (equivalent to "speed over ground") SWIFT.sigwaveheight: significant wave height, in meters SWIFT.peakwaveperiod: peak of period orbital velocity spectra (note convention is usually wave height spectrum) SWIFT.peakwavedirT: wind direction, in degrees FROM North wave energy spectral density, in m^2/Hz, as a function of frequency. Note that this is derived from orbital motions and is thus insensitive to low-energy swell conditions. The technique is best suited to measuring short wind waves. SWIFT.wavespectra.freq: spectral frequencies, in Hz SWIFT.wavespectra.a1: normalized spectral directional moment (positive east) SWIFT.wavespectra.b1: normalized spectral directional moment (positive north) SWIFT.wavespectra.a2: normalized spectral directional moment (east-west) SWIFT.wavespectra.b2: normalized spectral directional moment (north-south) SWIFT.wavespectra.check: spectral comparison of horizontal to vertical motion (only available with post-processing). Should be equal to 1 for good data in deep water. SWIFT.watertemp: water temperature, in deg C, at 0.5 m below the surface SWIFT.salinity: water salinity, in PSU, at 0.5 m below the surface SWIFT.windspd: wind speed, in m/s, at 1 m height above the wave-following surface SWIFT.airtemp: air temperature, in deg C, at 1 m height above the wave-following surface