Gridded channel data files from the 2012-2014 Solomon Sea SPICE Moorings Description: This repository contains the gridded along and across channel velocities for each channel in addition to vertically interpolated temperature, salinity, and density observations for the 2012-2014 Solomon Sea SPICE moorings. Gridded observations are organized by channel with each channel repository containing an individual file for each combination of the tested interpolation schemes in both .mat and NETCDF formats. Files are named descriptively with the following format: Channel_CrossChannelInterpMethod_BottomInterpMethod_TopInterpMethod.(mat/nc) Possible interpolation schemes for each file are: CrossChannelInterpMethod 1. linearXsection - Observations are linearly interpolated between moorings and to zero at the side walls. 2. nearestXsection - Grid velocity is determined by nearest mooring observation. 3. westernXsection - Assumes a boundary intensification scheme with linear interpolation to other side. BottomInterpMethod 1. linear2bot - Velocity is interpolated linearly to zero at the bottom. 2. slab2bot - Velocity is constant from the deepest observation to the bottom. TopInterpMethod 1. linear2surf - Constant shear is applied to surface. 2. gcur4surf - Velocity is interpolated to the surface using GlobCurrent observations. 3. sat4surf - Velocity is interpolated to the surface using AVISO satellite observations. 4. slab2surf - Velocity is assumed constant to the surface. Additionally, Solomon Strait velocities determined using geostrophy are also included and the file name includes ‘geoBotRef’ to distinguish the files from those using directly observed velocities. The above is only a brief description of the gridding procedure; see Alberty et al. (2019) Moored Observations of Transport in the Solomon Sea for a full description of the gridding procedure. Each file contains the following variables: Time Depth Cross-Passage Distance Latitude Longitude Bottom Depth Along Strait Velocity Across Strait Velocity (Except for Geostrophic Estimates) Potential Density Ocean Temperature Practical Salinity Grid indices in the cross-strait direction of the mooring location Mean position (x,z) for all velocity observations