# About These PDE (partial differential equation) datasets were created for and used in conjunction with Multilevel Training of Neural Networks (MTNN)(https://github.com/LLNL/MTNN). The datasets are in .npz format and can be accessed in your Python program with `numpy.load` module or with a desktop viewer [npzviewer](https://pypi.org/project/npzviewer/) --- ## Convection-Diffusion and Poisson Dataset These two datasets contain 10,000 steady-state convection-diffusion and pure diffusion problems and their solutions, respectively, on the 2-D unit square. ### Parameters * F: heat source * (FluxX, FluxY): flux of heat * Kappa: heat conductivity * U: numrical solution * X, Y: coordinates of the mesh ### Source The problems were discretized by finite element methods (FEM) using [1,2,4]. The input data include the (convection-) diffusion coefficients, mesh point coordinates and heat source (the right-hand sides of the equations). The target data are the numerical solutions obtained by using [3] and the flux of the heat. * [1] FEniCS open source PDE solver https://fenicsproject.org/ * [2] DOLFIN C++/Python interface of FEniCS https://pypi.org/project/DOLFIN/ * [3] Numpy open-source Python library https://numpy.org/ * [4] Sympy open-source Python library https://www.sympy.org/en/index.html ## Darcy Flow Data This dataset contains finite element solutions of the Darcy Flow equation. ### Parameters * Q: total flux along the outflow boundary * nx, ny: number of pixels in x, y direction of the simulated problem space * U: 2D grid with the permeability of each point in the 2D domain * X_coord, y_coord: coordinates in the domain ### Source Numerical simulations were performed using tools developed in ParELAG[4], a parallel C++ library for performing numerical upscaling of finite element discretizations and AMG techniques, and ParELAGMC [5], a parallel element agglomeration MLMC library. These libraries use MFEM [3] to generate the fine grid finite element discretization and HYPRE [2] to handle massively parallel linear algebra. * [1] GLVis: Opengl finite element visualization tool. glvis.org. * [2] HYPRE: High performance preconditioners. http://www.llnl.gov/CASC/hypre/. * [3] MFEM: Modular finite element methods library. mfem.org. * [4] ParELAG: Element-agglomeration algebraic multigrid and upscaling library, version 2.0. http://github.com/LLNL/parelag, 2015. * [5] ParELAGMC: Parallel element agglomeration multilevel Monte Carlo library. http://github.com/ * LLNL/parelagmc, 2018. # Acknowledgement We would like to thank Hilary Fairbanks (fairbanks5@llnl.gov) for creating and sharing the DarcyFlow dataset for our work in MTNN. # Contact * Colin Ponce, ponce11@llnl.gov * Ruipeng Li, li50@llnl.gov * Christina Mao, mao6@llnl.gov