Quality Controlled Instrument Data from the 2012-2014 Solomon Sea SPICE Moorings Description: This repository contains the quality controlled (QC’ed) instrument data for the 2012-2014 Solomon Sea SPICE moorings. QC’ed data is organized by mooring and is in MATLAB MAT-file (.mat). Within a mooring folder, all instrument files have the following naming convention: Mooring_InstrumentType_SerialNumber_PlannedDepthInMeters_QualityControlLevel.mat Quality control levels will either be 0 or 1, with 0 indicating basic quality control and 1 indicates a higher level of quality control from the use of per- and post-deployment calibration. The full quality control procedure and a detailed description of the mooring deployment and instrument configurations is given in: Alberty, M. S, Germineaud, C., Sprintall, J., Ganachaud, A., & Cravatte, S. (2017). SPICE Mooring Data Report: Description and Quality Control. UC San Diego: Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6xd149s8 The data within each file is a MATLAB structure which contains at least: - mooring - meterType - serialNo - plannedMeterDepth - latitude - longitude - waterDepth - endData - startData - time - pressure The data structure will additionally contain - The observed quantities - The units of the observed quantities - Any relevant metadata concerning the instrument configuration - The magnetic declination for velocity observations and if the declination has been applied to the observations - Relevant QC data or an error estimate if applicable