Membership Meeting
May 14, 2002
Seuss Room, Geisel Library
Present: L. Abrams, L. Barnhart, M.L. Bergstrom, A. Butros, K. Calkins, H. Colson, P. Coppernoll-Blach, E. Cowell, L. Declerck, S. Dunlap, L. Galvan-Estrada, A. Gold, J. Hanson, S. Isozumi, S. Jurist, E. Kanter, D. Kegel, C. Keil, S. Lawson, K. Lindvall-Larson, R. Melton, P. Mirsky, A. Perez (secretary), K. Peterson, A. Prussing, J. Reiswig (chair), B. Slater, S. Starr, D. Talbot, A. Wallace, P. Weiss, J. Williams, V. Williamson, J. Yang
Special Guest Speaker: Julie Conner
J. Hanson introduced Julie Conner, UCSD counsel for intellectual property issues. She began working at UCSD on March 1, 2002. Ms. Conner is currently working on two projects: Union Catalog of Art Images, and the ArtSTOR Project. Ms. Conner informed us of the hot topics facing the campus: IP issues, plagiarism, and fair use. Major emerging intellectual property issues for the libraries are website-hosting, click through agreements, and UCITA.
Report on Spring Assembly and Statewide Executive Board Meetings
- Committee reports and reports of LAUC representatives to system-wide groups are on the LAUC website.
- Statewide Election slate announcements: Linda Kennedy (UCD) running for LAUC President; and A. Perez (UCSD) and B. Haughton (UCD) for Secretary.
- More changes to Statewide Bylaws.
- SLASIAC - G. Peete has been the representative on SLASIAC for three years of a two-year term. A call will be made for a new LAUC representative. Our local executive board will rank names submitted.
- Concerns raised about year round instruction and its impact. UCB and UCLA have already begun year round instruction.
- Professional Governance survey results are being compiled. D. Murphy will try to place this item on the University Librarians meeting agenda.
- Diversity Committee has added archival reports and campus statistics on their website.
- Research and Professional Development Committee received nine requests totaling over $84,000, but there is only $30,000 in funding. Six projects were approved for funding and announced at the Assembly.
- Concerns were raised by some divisions about librarians being taken out of the librarian series.
Myron Okada Report
- No new VERIP.
- State budget is bleak; hoping that the merit increases will survive. (NOTE: Today the New York Times reported that Davis announced there will be a 23 billion budget cut.)
- Tuition benefit for parents is still on the books.
- Increasing costs of health insurance; will try to maintain one no-cost HMO.
- Regents will be discussing retirement benefits for same sex and opposite sex domestic partners.
- A "phased retirement" program is being considered by Academic Personnel as a planning tool to help with the large number of employees nearing retirement age.
- Two audits in process: women representation in ladder rank faculty positions, and the Partnership agreement that guarantees undergraduates more access to faculty.
Information Literacy
Concerns were raised about the process of bringing this resolution forward at the Assembly with no prior opportunity for discussion at the divisions. The resolution was passed at the end of the Spring Assembly. Resolution states that LAUC recommends that a group be formed to develop an Information Literacy policy for the University of California.
Presentation on Information Literacy
- E. Grassian, UCLA, gave an overview of information literacy.
- S. Curzon, Dean of Libraries, CSU Northridge, gave a talk about the CSU program on information literacy, and what they learned and problems they encountered. The CSU Information Literacy program began in 1995.
Brief update following LAUC-SD chairs' meeting with Brian Schottlaender
H. Colson, E. Cowell, and J. Reiswig met with Brian on May 7, 2002.
- There probably will not be a systemwide research leave program. J. Reiswig will find out how UCD and UCR run their leave programs, and look into ours, which isn't publicized.
- Parking lot issues for the review process are:
1. Goals submission - after librarywide goals are written, then individuals will be asked to submit their goals.
2. Supervisees' performance of supervisors - ways to incorporate into the review process.
3. We need criteria for advancement to Librarian 7. M. Din, M. Harden, J. Reiswig, and others will meet to discuss this issue.
Election News
The Nominations/Elections Committee presented the local slate to the membership. The election begins on May 27th - June 10th, 2002.
Research and Professional Development Committee update - local and statewide (M. L. Bergstrom)
M.L. Bergstrom distributed copies of the LAUC R&PD draft document. There will be links to the past five years' proposals; this will be helpful to review when writing a new proposal.
R. Melton (LAUC-SD R&PD statewide representative) distributed copies of the document "Research Requests Funded by LAUC." There were over $84,000 in requests, but there is only $30,000 in the fund. There was a total of nine requests: 8 from unit members, and 1 from a non-unit member. Six requests were funded: two fully, and four partially. There were no requests received from UCSD.
M.L. Bergstrom reported:
- One local request was funded for a poster.
- A new laptop was purchased. Both laptops are in Groupwise; check there to see if a laptop is in use.
- J. Church has taken a position at UCB and has resigned from the committee. M.L. Bergstrom has taken his place as equipment coordinator.
- The committee's activities this year were:
1. Two OCLC videocasts with the third on May 29th from 9-11:30am. P. Weiss has agreed to lead a discussion after the videocast.
2. One web telecast.
3. One speaker, Christine Borgman
4. Co-sponsors of the Digital Dialog.
5. Held one journal club that met twice. R&PD will try the journal club again next quarter.
- Under discussion - adding more money to the Professional Development fund.
Cultural Diversity Committee (A. Prussing)
A. Prussing proposed a bylaws change to change the committee name to conform to the statewide committee name, from Cultural Diversity Committee to Diversity Committee. This was approved by the membership.
J. Williams and V. Williamson have updated the committee website, and have added library diversity and general diversity links to it. The statewide committee website contains many good links.
Last month A. Prussing attended the ARL Diversity Conference. It was an excellent meeting, and there were 150 people in attendance with eight from other UC campuses. It included one of the best keynote speakers A. Prussing has ever heard. Issues discussed were academic librarian diversity, and recruitment and retention.
Meeting adjourned at 4pm.