November 1997 Minutes
LAUC-SD Membership Meeting
November 11, 1997
Seuss Room
Attending: L. Abrams, D. Ambrose, L. Barnhart, S. Berteaux, A.
Butros, L. Claassen (chair), R. Coates, T. Cruse, B. Culbertson, T.
Dearie, J. Donovan, C. Graham, R. Gustafson, J. Hanson, M. Harden, C.
Hightower, D. Kegel, P. Mirsky, J. Page, A. Prussing, B. Renford,
B.Slater, L. Smart, D. Talbot, D. Tweedy, E. Valdez, R. Wang, K.
Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m.
1. Follow-up on Brainstormed List
--Valdez suggested having someone from a library school prepare a talk
for students (or staff) who may want to consider librarianship as a
career. Gustafson suggested that we may want to publicize outside the
library for an audience. Harden mentioned having Career Services
visit as an option.
2. Stipends Issue.
--The concept of stipends has been approved and appropriate language has
been added to the PPM. The Union may still challenge this. M. Harden
has been charged with finding out more about it. While stipends have
been approved, the implementation is not budgeted from a separate pot of
money. It is up to each library to develop its own policy of
implementation. The earliest it could happen is July 1, 1998. The SVP
for Academic Affairs had said in a letter to G. Lowell that there might
be an upward ceiling of $600.00 (per month). At UCSD one third (17) of
the librarians are out of the bargaining unit. The crux of the problem
is that the designee must supervise more than one librarian--this could
potentially by viewed as an unfair labor practice, as some librarians
supervise very large units, but without the requisite number of
librarians. P. Mirsky asked how we should decide on the issue's
priority. We have to develop guidelines and send them to the VP for
Academic Affairs. The comment was made that LAUC should be consulted.
J. Hanson felt that the option of increasing the number of librarians
who should be designated supervisors should be examined. R. Coates
questioned how administrative stipends might affect the peer review
process. Administrative responsibilities are viewed as "Primary Job
Responsibilities" and contrbitutions to criteria B,C, or D will still be
expected of the candidate no matter how much administrative
responsibility they bear. It may be necessary to change the language
about the advancement to Librarian V as part of the PPM.
3. Research and Professional Development Committee.
--There has been a longstanding issue of whether R&PD funds should be
used to enhance a recipients creativity. The R&PD Committee
unanimously felt that it was not.
--L. Claassen asked for people to submit suggestions for programs.
One suggestion which followed was to ask Marcia Chandler, the new Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs to do a program on new academic
directions at UCSD. [No response has bee forthcoming from her Office
at this point (1/98)]. Another suggestion was to have Susan Starr do
a followup program on the California Digital Library.
4. CAPA report (T. Dearie)
--Librarian V. There should be a discussion with the UL and AULs on
what it means to become a Librarian V. J. Hansen commented that the
caliber of the library staff has risen and that the "average" UCSD
Librarian is outstanding. There has been discussion of possibly
adding two steps to the top of the librarian series. (ed. note. We
have subsequently learned that this effort is currently tabled).
--New hires. T. Dearie reported that Christina Keil has been hired as
the new Corporte Associates librarian.
5. LAUC Social
--There will be a Pizza Bust at the Round Table on December 12th.
LAUC-SD will provide the pizza.
6. Announcement.
--LAUC-SD will be sponsoring the LAUC Spring Assembly. The date is
May 1, 1998.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Culbertson