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January 1996 Minutes

LAUC-SD Membership Meeting, January 16, 1996

Present: Leslie Abrams, Linda Barnhart, Susan Berteaux, Garrett
Bowles, Karen Cargille (chair), Lynda Claassen, Kathy Creely,
Tammy Dearie, Joanne Donovan, Sam Dunlap, Cynthia Jahns, Elliot
Kanter, Richard Lindemann, Karen Lindvall-Larson, Kari Lucas,
Alice Perez, Beverly Renford, Becky Ringler, Elizabeth Robinson
(recorder), Julie Sih, Barbara Slater, Christopher Stave, Esteban
Valdez, Brad Westbrook.

1. Approval of minutes. The minutes of the November 10, 1995
membership meeting were approved.

2. Announcemnts. Elizabeth announced the Cultural Diversity
Committee will present a program "The Philosophy of Cultural
Diversity" with UCSD Medical Center Diversity Coordinator
Angeline McGill-King as speaker. The program will be held January
31, 1996, 2 to 4 pm, Seuss Room.
Joanne Donovan announced that the Research and Development
Committee will be presenting two PBS videoconferences on
educational technology:

* January 25, 1996 (noon to 1:30 pm) - Educational
Technology, What's new and how to use it.
* February 1, 1996 (11 am to 1 pm) - Educational Technology,
Both will be held in the Seuss Room.

3. Replacing CAPA member. After some discussion, the group
decided to have a new election to replace Crystal Graham on CAPA.
The slate included previous volunteers Tammy Dearie, Alice Perez,
and Susan Jurist (Karen Lindvall-Larsen withdrew). There were no
other nominations from the floor. Elliot Kanter and the rest of
the Nominations Committee will send ballots out tomorrow.

4. LAUC-SD Archives. The paper archives are currently in Room
506. Discussion followed on how to organize it. Ideas included
hiring a student or library school intern (research money and/or
dues?) with a LAUC member as supervisor; creating an ad hoc
committee to decide how to handle it (using the guidelines from
the statewide group on archives); or trash the old stuff and deal
with current files only (electronically?). LAUC chapters at Santa
Barbara and Riverside apparently have electronic archives.
There seemed to be consensus to form an ad hoc group of
interested LAUC members to recommend how to handle the LAUC-SD
archives. The chapter Secretary could handle new material in
electronic form, loading it to the LAUC-SD homepage (based on
LAUC statewide archives group recommendations on electronic
archives). There was one suggestion to move current paper files
into file cabinets in Room 506 even if not formally organized.
Another suggestion to later revisit trashing said based on volume
of usage.

5. Statewide Executive Board summary. Karen gave a summary of the
statewide Executive Board meeting held on December 8, 1995:
* Gary Peete will meet with the chair of the Library
Council (ULs of UC), Joanne Euster, to discuss the possibility of
the statewide LAUC Executive Board meeting with that group.
* The Office of the President is conducting a salary study,
comparing said of UC librarians with their counterparts in the
CSU system and eight other institutions. This is in conjunction
with the salary bifurcation issue. A report will be distributed
to the UC Vice Chancellors and to LAUC.
* Myron Okada, Director of Academic Personnel (UCOP),
assured the group that the bifurcation proposal was not a threat
to librarians' academic status. He explained that it is an
attempt to achieve parity for UC faculty with their colleagues at
comparable institutions. He feels the bifurcation would be
temporary (2-3 years perhaps) and would be dismantled when parity
is reached for the faculty.
Okada also noted that there is a faculty referendum to
recall the Regents' anti-affirmative action decision. The
decision went into effect 1/1/96 for business contracts and will
go into effect for admissions in 1997.
* Regent Ward Connerly will present the governor with the
domestic partner agreement.
* LAUC's spring assembly will be one day, Tuesday, May 14,
1996 at UC Irvine.
* The group voted 5-4 to centralize LAUC archives. The
archives committee will continue to meet and discuss the
development of electronic archives.
* Actual ballots for elections will remain in paper form
but can be printed from an electronic template. Electronic voting
is an issue still in discussion.

The next general membership meeting for LAUC-SD will be March 12,
1996, 2-4 pm, UC Santa Barbara/Los Angeles Room (Price Center).