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April 1996 Minutes

LAUC-SD Membership Meeting, April 16, 1996

Present: Leslie Abrams, Peter Brueggeman, Amy Butros, Karen
Cargille (chair), Lynda Claassen, Kathy Creely, Tammy Dearie, Sam
Dunlap, Jackie Hanson, Cynthia Jahns, Richard Lindemann, Phyllis
Mirsky, Alice Perez, Anne Prussing, Beverly Renford, Elizabeth
Robinson (recorder), Reinhart Sonnenburg, Susan Starr, Ginny
Steel, Esteban Valdez, Vicki Williamson, Kathy Whitley.


1. Karen announced that she has a copy of the CSU salary survey
(1995) and will send a copy to any interested members.

2. Tammy (for Kari) announced that CAPA has received 23 of 25
files. Ten letters have been forwarded to Jerry.


1. Stipends - Discussion on the subject again with points made
pro and con and some other thoughts.

Pro: Supervisors in other job series in the library better
compensated than librarians; teaching faculty seems to have no
problem with (but chair rotates and there is assistance with
course workload and publication during the time one holds the
chair position); incentive for internal and external recruitment
of managerial positions.

Con: Contributes to the loss of cohesion between the two-track
advancement position currently embraced, that is, that management
is not a prerequisite for advancement.

Other: What contradictory message sent to UCOP if we say no to
stipends in light of salary survey; how is supervisor defined
here (union definitions or reality)?; maybe we should focus more
on the salary surveys so that everyone is paid more.

2. SDM language in job descriptions - Discussion on incorporation
of SDM language into librarian job descriptions. Two points of
view made: (1) that the current performance review process
already incorporates SDM but (2) LAUC should make some official
endorsement of the notion of SDM incorporated into job
descriptions and/or performance review criteria if it supports
the idea. Several suggestions discussed but no consensus. The
group decided to ask CAPA to work out how to incorporate SDM into
local policies of review for librarians as part of their annual
suggestions for changes to the peer review process.

The next general membership meeting for LAUC-SD will be May 7,
1996, 2-4 pm, Gallery A (Price Center).