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October 1994 Minutes


October 4, 1994
Price Center, UC San Diego

Attending: L. Abrams, A. Prussing, P. Mirsky, K. Lucas, L.
Barnhard, A. Perez, D. Stewart, G. Steel, J. Donovan, K. Lo, B.
Westbrook, R. Sonnenburg, A. Butros, R. Coates, D. Kegel, C.
Haynes, C. Jahns, D. Talbot, K. Cargille, B. Renford, S. Starr,
H. Colson, E. Kanter, T. Dearie, P. Cruse, T. Echavarria, V.

I. Announcements

1. E. Kanter welcomed new members R. Sonnenburg. P. Cruse, and A.
Butros to LAUC-SD.

2. Five membership meetings will be scheduled for the coming
year, in December, January, March, early May, and June.

3. LAUC souvenirs are available; mugs are $6, sweatshirts $42,
and golf shirts $37. Order forms are available from E. Kanter.

4. The call for LAUC dues will be issued in October.

5. Anne Prussing volunteered to coordinate the LAUC lunches for
the coming year in response to member interest in continuing
these functions.

6. A LAUC social will be held at the faculty club in November.
After some discussion, the membership indicated a budget of $75 -
$100 would be appropriate for this event.

II. Report of the Committee on Research and Professional

L. Abrams, reporting for the committee, distributed copies of a
previously printed document, "Welcome to the LAUC Office". She
reported that the Committee had co-sponsored, with the Library
Training Group, the teleconference on electronic libraries this
morning. Suggestions for further programming should be forwarded
to the Committee. The first call for Statewide Grants has been
made; the call for local grants will be this week. B. Westbrook
and L. Abrams will be doing a brief membership survey on ideas
for programming, needs for equipment (both hardware and
software), and whether Committee funds should continue to be
spent to support librarian's travel.

III. Travel Support

E. Kanter distributed copies of the letter A. Prussing had sent
to G. Lowell regarding travel and a summary from J. Hanson of
travel expenditures since 1985/86. Approximately $800 per
librarian has been allocated for travel for professional
development in 1994/95. After some discussion it was decided
that LAUC-SD would recommend to library administration that the
funds be allocated as follows: each librarian will have $800 to
spend on travel expenses, including food and lodging as well as
registration and airfare. This should typically cover one and a
half trips. If the cost of airfare and registration alone for
the highest priority trip is greater than $800, the library will
make additional funds available for these expenses. J. Hanson
reminded the group that all requests for professional development
travel must be approved by the Department Head. Those needing
support for training for new responsibilities may apply for
administrative travel.

IV. CAPA Issues

H. Colson distributed a statistical summary from J. Hanson on the
results of last years reviews. There were no differences between
the University Librarian, CAPA or the review initiator in
recommended actions this year. Minor changes in procedures that
were approved last year will go into effect in the coming year.

H. Colson reported on the discussions of the "streamlining"
committee (Colson, Renford, Cargille, Starr). APM 360 e requires
that letters be part of the review process, so we cannot
streamline the process by eliminating letters. However, the APM
does not require a "self review", only that the candidate be
allowed to contribute information to the review process.
Discussion followed on whether we should change the self review.
It was decided that the streamlining group would summarize this
discussion prior to the next membership meeting so that all
members could come prepared to discuss the wisdom of possible

V. LAUC Committee on Cultural Diversity

C. Stave reviewed the activities of the Ad Hoc Committee on
Affirmative Action, and distributed a proposed bylaws change
which would replace this group with a permanent LAUC-SD Committee
on Cultural Diversity. E. Kanter will send the proposed change
to the LAUC Committee on Committees, Rules and Jurisdictions for
their review prior to a membership vote.

VI. Survey on Member Participation

K. Lucas reported on her survey of member participation. It was
decided that she would distribute the written results to the
membership. E. Kanter, K. Lucas and A. Prussing are forming a
small group to follow up on this report.

VII. UC Wide Library Initiatives

There will be a joint meeting of HOS/HOPS/HOTS & CDC on Friday.
Those attending are to share their 3 top priorities for joint
collaborative efforts. B. Renford will be acting as the LAUC
representative to HOPS at this meeting.
