January 1995 Minutes
LAUC-SD Membership Meeting, 1/17/95
Attending: L. Abrams, L. Barnhart, P. Brueggeman, A. Butros, H.
Colson, P. Cruse, T. Echavarria, C. Graham, R, Gustafson, J,
Hanson, C. Haynes, M. Horres, C., Jahns, E. Kanter, K. Lucas, P.
Mirsky, J. Page, A. Prussing, B. Renford, R. Ringler, B. Slater,
R. Sonnenburg, G. Steel, E. Yutani, S. Starr (recorder).
I. Announcements
1. Next membership meeting: Tuesday, March 14, 2-4 p.m.
2. Statewide Ad Hoc LAUC Archives Committee has been appointed.
Brad Westbrook is the Chair.
3. The LAUC Statewide Committee on Committees is considering the
change to the UCSD bylaws we passed that would add a Cultural
Diversity Committee as a standing LAUC-SD committee. Meanwhile,
the name of the Ad Hoc Committee on Affirmative Action has been
changed to the Ad Hoc Committee on Cultural Diversity, and it
will remain constituted until such time as the Standing Committee
is approved.
4. The next LAUC lunch will be Friday, 1/27 at the Faculty Club.
2. Recruitment/Salary Update
J. Hanson reminded everyone that the new salary scale should be
reflected in February 1 paychecks. She encouraged everyone to
check to see that the change had been made. President Peltason's
memo of 1/11/95 calls for a 5% increase for faculty and staff.
Three recruitments are underway: Continental European History
Bibliographer, Infopath Services Director, and Assistant Head,
3. User Outreach Draft Position Description
The draft was discussed briefly. Members pointed out that the
leadership role of the individual might need to be strengthened,
and that there was some ambiguity on the scope of the
individual's responsibility.
4. Research and Professional Development Committee
L. Abrams reported that the Committee has decided to supplement
librarians travel funds again this year; $70 for each librarian
is available.
Richard Wang received a local research grant to complete his
Chinese bibliography.
There will be three more calls for local grants this year: 3/24,
6/23, 9/18/95.
5. Cultural Diversity Committee
T. Echavarria lead a discussion of the proposal to extend UC
spousal benefits to domestic partners. P. Mirsky moved and J.
Hanson seconded a motion that the LAUC Statewide President write
a letter in support of the proposal, and the motion passed
6. CAPA Update
H. Colson reported that J. Hanson has sent out on e-mail the
guidelines developed for the current review cycle. CAPA will
monitor the process this year to see if it is successful.
7. Programs for future LAUC-SD Membership meetings
E. Kanter reported that UCR combines it's LAUC membership
business meetings with discussions on topics of general interest.
he asked if the LAUC-SD membership would be interested in similar
meetings. Concerns were expressed that if outside speakers were
invited, all staff should be able to attend.
It was decided that we would try the approach at a subsequent
meeting and see if it seemed worth continuing.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.