August 16, 1993
Membership Meeting
Present: K. Cargille, R. Coates, J. Donovan, S. Galloway, C.
Graham, R. Gustafson, J. Hanson, C. Haynes, C. Hightower, M.
Horres, C. Jahns, S. Jurist, R. Lindemann, K. Lindvall-Larson,
K. Lo, G. Lowell, K. Lucas (recorder), A. Prussing, B.
Ringler, B. Slater, D. Talbot, B. Tillett, E. Valdez, E.
Announcement: LAUC-SD Research & Professional Development
Committee presents, "Demystifying the Grant Proposal Process,"
Tuesday, August 17, 3-4:p, Santa Barbara/Los Angeles Room, Price
Discussion: Professional Development Funding
K. Lucas introduced R. Lindemann. He briefly outlined the work of
the Joint Administrative/LAUC Subgroup on Professional Development
(J. Hanson, C. Haynes, C. Jahns, R. Lindemann) charged with
developing a proposal with recommendations for the disbursal of
these funds for fiscal year 1993/4. R. Lindemann invited
University Librarian Gerald Lowell to offer his view on
professional development. (Please note that professional
development may or may not involve travel. Even though much of the
discussion revolved around travel expenses, professional
development could include taking classes locally.)
G. Lowell spoke briefly indicating that he is a strong proponent of
development using a variety of ways (i.e., conferences, training
classes, and the like). He first outlined his perception of
"administrative travel." This, he explained, was a type of travel
that the organization initiates for official organization business.
It is a top down approach where higher ups determine that members
of the organization need to attend and therefore pay expenses. He
indicated that the definition gets fuzzy with higher level
positions, when organizational business and professional
development become closely entwined. Professional development is
a murkier issue. How much to fund, who goes, when and where are
all questions. We must measure professional development activities
against criteria for promotion and advancement. Also there are
questions of the role of the department head for assuring mentoring
for proactive growth of professionals in the department. Another
element is being sensitive to other's perspectives. How does the
Library rationalize a large travel budget to university
administrators and faculty? In many instances faculty pay their
own way to many professional activities. Also necessary to keep in
mind are meetings that are worthless for career advancement (e.g.,
no advance agenda, do-nothing meetings) and weighing how much
actually gets done by attendance at a meeting as opposed to
teleconferencing, conference telephone calls and electronic mail.
Lowell indicated that he felt there was no perfect model to follow
in allocating the $500 budgeted for 1993/4 for professional
development. A key element in any option is flexibility. He is
willing to entertain any option.
The questions below followed Lowell's remarks:
1) Perception that national level participation is valued more
than regional level participation. What is more important?
GL: Bottom line is that professional development is to allow
professionals to perform their jobs better. The individual is in
the best position to identify what his/her needs are. One must
look at what the organization (local, regional, national) has in
common with the job of the individual.
2) Question 1 with international organizations and activities
thrown in.
GL: No problem with supporting international involvements for the
same reasons as above. The cost issue is greater, but the criteria
is the same, is the activity a worthwhile investment for the
individual in the conduct of his/her job for the university
3) How do you feel about time off if one pays one's own expenses?
GL: Given that departmental staffing needs are met, very
supportive, again, if it is a worthwhile investment for the
performance of one's job.
Discussion moved toward how important it is for the individual to
explain clearly, within the context of one's self-review, what the
impact of participation in one's selected activities had on the
individual and the unit. It was noted that individuals have goal
statements developed in collaboration with their department head
and/or supervisor and choose activities to help meet the goals.
This approach translates well in the review process. The
Professional Development Plan is an integral part in the process of
setting goals within the framework of the needs of the department.
Goals supply accountability to supervisors and university.
In summary, it was determined that the Subgroup would draft into
their recommendations to G. Lowell for the disbursement of
Professional Development funds the following.
Each librarian would be responsible for $500 to be used to support
their Professional Development Plan activities, still to be
developed in collaboration with their supervisor. The funds may be
used for travel, registration, lodging, meals all within UCSD and
UC guidelines for maximums allowable (i.e., per diem amounts).
It was mentioned that UCLA has a mechanism to determine further
reimbursements to individuals if there is money remaining in the
Professional Development fund near the end of the fiscal year. It
was requested that this be built into the Subgroup's
J. Hanson indicated that there will be a call to librarians once G.
Lowell accepted the Subgroup's recommendations. She also indicated
that the AP&S series would probably use the LAUC approach as a
The issue of administrative travel seemed to warrant further
discussion in light of downsizing, VERIP III, and the loss of
expertise that is resulting. The line between what is an
administrative expense and what is professional development expense
seems to be getting fuzzier. What happens when the organizational
"expert" leaves and another staff is given their assignment? Is
developing the expertise necessary to fulfill the job assignment
administrative in nature, that is to fulfill the mission of the
organization or professional development in nature? It was
suggested to the incoming chair that a further discussion of
administrative expenses be placed on the September membership
meeting agenda.
Meeting adjourned: 3:14pm