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September 2004 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Mary Linn, Sue, Adolfo, James (minutes), Peter, Penny


James has graciously agreed to do the minutes due to Jeff’s absence. Three cheers for James!

Announcements, updates:

LAUC buddies:

There was discussion about whether or not Catherine Freedman needs a LAUC buddy. It was found that the bylaws do indeed list UL, AUL etc as members of LAUC and therefore a buddy is appropriate. Mary Linn will contact her.

Fall Assembly update:

The preliminary site is up for the LAUC Fall assembly on November 4, 2004 at UC Berkeley: The agenda and preliminary lineup is online. It will be web-cast as well for those not able to be present. It will be discussed at next week's membership meeting whether or not it would be good to stream it in the Seuss room.

Budget meeting w/Gina:

Mary Linn will meet with Gina Zimmerman, head of dept of business and finance, Friday September 24 at 11:30am to go over the LAUC budget. She will report back to the exec board. If anyone is interested in going along, contact Mary Linn

Chairs meetings w/BECS:

The prior and incoming LAUC-SD chairs will meet BECS in November. The Chairs set the agenda. Let Mary Linn know if there’s anything you would like her to bring up with BECS.

Conference calls for LAUC exec board:

The next LAUC conference call is Oct 19th. Mary Linn invites the LAUC-SD exec board to come and listen in. She will send out the time/date information. If there’s enough interest, she will see about setting up the speaker phone.

Review meeting schedule (attached):

No discussion. One date was incorrect and fixed.

Committee reports:

R&PD met yesterday. Marlo Young and Tony Harvell are new members. For the full minutes of the meeting, see

Discussion of bylaws revision proposal re: secretarial duties:

(see attached from Kari Lucas)

Bylaws revisions will be discussed at the next exec meeting. In the meantime, Jeff, Kari and Mary Linn will meet to discuss the issues involved.

Priorities for 2004 2005 LAUC-SD:

Mary Linn began the discussion of priority setting for the coming year. Among the things that she’d like to see LAUC-SD work on are:

1) Role in recruitment/retention

LAUC lunches with candidates have been a tradition, but Mary Linn would like to evaluate the packets given to candidates and procedures for LAUC lunches. For example, she'd like to add housing options, school information etc to the LAUC packets. The goal is to improve the information given to candidates.

Another question to discuss within this issue is the amount of $$ that librarians get for travel and professional development. With costs, dues etc going up, there needs to be an evaluation of this issue and a proposal for how to better cover costs. This will be put on the agenda for the next membership meeting.

2) Role in professional development

Does anyone have ideas for improving R&PD? Or is it doing just what it's supposed to be doing?

3) Role in faculty / librarian interaction

Does LAUC have a role in this? What can we do to facilitate this connection?

Agenda planning for September 24 membership meeting:

1) Survey membership on travel costs etc.

2) Annual reports from committees. Action items from committees may need to be discussed and voted on by the membership

3) Fall assembly

4) CAPA report

5) Peer review revisions

Pizza party:

It was decided to hold the LAUC-sponsored pizza party on October 14th from 11:30 - 1:30.

Agenda setting for next exec meeting:

Bylaws revisions will be discussed at the next LAUC exec meeting. Jeff, Kari and Mary Linn will meet beforehand to discuss the issues.