LAUC-SD Executive Board
May 5, 2005
Present: Mary Linn Bergstrom, chair; Peter Brueggeman, vice-chair/chair-elect; Penny Coppernoll-Blach, R&PD; Sam Dunlap, past-chair; James R. Jacobs, delegate; Jeff Williams, secretary/treasurer.
Announcements, updates
- Budget call: Mary Linn Bergstrom stated that budget requests for the Diversity Committee and Mentoring Committee were related to new initiatives from these committees. Mary Linn asked the Executive Board to send any other budget augmentation requests as soon as possible.
- Spring Assembly: the LAUC Spring Assembly will be held Thursday, June 2nd, at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Information on the assembly is available at
- Committees in need of new members: Mary Linn reminded the Executive Board that two committees, Diversity and R&PD, will need new members. The call for members will come after the LAUC and LAUC-SD elections. Mary Linn asked the Executive Board to encourage our colleagues to volunteer.
The Executive Board agreed that Mary Linn would ask Barbara Slater if she would be willing to continue as the LAUC-SD representative to UCSD Academic Senate Library Committee.
Mary Linn has not had anyone volunteer for the LAUC-SD Webmaster position. Mary Linn has asked Jeff Williams if he would consider serving as the webmaster after the completion of his term as LAUC-SD Secretary/Treasurer. Jeff is considering this request.
- Guidelines for voluntary member contributions: Mary Linn recounted the discussion of the LAUC-SD voluntary member contributions at the May 3, 2005 membership meeting.
The membership expressed strong support for the value of the pizza socials, but suggested at least one event a year could be a brown bag event at a different location. The membership supported the idea of eliminating the purchase of beer for the membership.
The discussion of retirement gifts led to some questions:
- Should we consider a low-cost standard gift, e.g., a paper weight?
- Should long-time members leaving to pursue other career opportunities also receive gifts?
Consensus formed that retirement gifts are important, and the membership would be willing to contribute more to continue to fund this activity.
Based on this, Mary Linn asked the Executive Board to consider what would be an appropriate suggested voluntary contribution amount. The Executive Board decided it would be helpful to know if this year’s number of members contributing is representative of past years.
ACTION: Jeff Williams agreed to look at the records from last year to see how many members provided contributions and report this to Mary Linn.
ACTION: Mary Linn agreed to run the numbers after Jeff provides this information, and report back to the Executive Board
- Final report from Review Workshop Ad Hoc Committee – next steps: Mary Linn asked the Executive Board to consider where responsibility for conducting the LAUC-SD sponsored Self-Review workshop would best be placed. The Executive Board agreed that it makes sense for this to be added to the charge of CAPA.
ACTION: Mary Linn agreed to discuss this with Becky Culbertson, CAPA chair.
Next meeting: Thursday, June 16th
Respectfully submitted, Jeff Williams, 2004/05 LAUC-SD Secretary/Treasurer