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June 2005 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board

June 16, 2005

Present: Mary Linn Bergstrom, chair; Peter Brueggeman, vice-chair/chair-elect; Penny Coppernoll-Blach, R&PD; Becky Culbertson, CAPA chair; Sam Dunlap, past-chair; Tony Harvell, Diversity Committee Chair; Sue McGuinness, R&PD; Adolfo Tarango, member-at-large, Jeff Williams, secretary/treasurer.


1.     Election results: the LAUC-SD local election results are in.  They have not been announced yet because not all of the candidates have been informed of the results in person.

2.     Call for committee volunteers: R&PD needs two volunteers.  Diversity needs two volunteers.  Sam Dunlap recommended adding the call for the LAUC-SD webmaster position to the committee membership call.  The call for committee volunteers should go out early next week. 

ACTION: Mary Linn Bergstrom will discuss with Barbara Slater if she would like to continue on as the representative to the UCSD Academic Senate Library Committee.

3.     Report from Spring Assembly: Mary Linn, Peter Brueggeman, and James R. Jacobs represented UCSD at the assembly. 

a.      Peter: discussed the proposal for creation of LAUC Electronic Journal.  It was decided that more input was needed from the membership.  UCLA and UCSD expressed concerns that there are a lot of unanswered questions about this project, and it may be premature to go ahead at this time.

Ad Hoc Committee on Instructional Roles for Librarians: this committee was formed in response to the concerns Kari Lucas expressed about The APM lacking language to support the role of librarians, formally or informally, in instructional capacities. Additionally there are no other sections of the APM to provide librarians with policy support for instruction duties.  The committee has just formed.

Bylaws Revision: the LAUC Executive Board has decided to “unbundle” different aspects of the bylaws revision work to allow feedback, rather than asking for feedback on an entirely new set of bylaws at one time.  Mary Linn added that it has been reaffirmed that the Division Chairs need to be part of the Statewide Executive Board. 

Next LAUC Assembly may be November 17th & 18th.  Stay tuned.


4.     CAPA: Becky Culbertson has sent a letter to Amanda Lawhorn asking why the letters have not been distributed.  The letters were supposed to be distributed June 3rd.

5.     Diversity Committee: Tony Harvell reported that the committee has submitted a budget carry over request in order to have funds to contribute towards the hiring costs of a Diversity Fellow.  This would be a one-time, two-year position.  The Diversity Fellow proposal is under consideration with the rest of the library budget.

6.     R&PD: Sue McGuinness reported that the committee has not met recently.  The committee is looking to offer a program on the net generation by Katy Farrell and Marlo Young.


7.     Voluntary contribution increase: Mary Linn distributed a document that presented two proposals for how to use members’ contributions.  It was the sense of the Executive Board that the amount of the voluntary membership contribution could be raised to $15.00, and the number of social events could be left to the discretion of the Executive Board based on the budget. 

8.     LAUC-SD Buddy needed: a buddy is needed for new library Alice Witkowski.  Peter volunteered.

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 21st.

Respectfully submitted
Jeff Williams, 04/05 Secretary/Treasurer