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July 2004 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board Meeting


27 July 2004

11:00am – 12Noon


1.  Announcements


LAUC web site manager applications will be distributed to Board members. Please send Sam comments by Friday, July 30. He will forward to LAUC President Linda Kennedy


Old Business


2.  May 5 minutes adopted with corrections. 


New Business


3.  Highlights of the July 13 LAUC Executive Board meeting (conducted by conference call)

3.a. Dunlap reported that M. Okada, Director, Academic Advancement, Academic Personnel, UC Office of the President provided statistics listing rank within the Librarian Series. Librarians who have been awarded distinction are not tracked separately. LAUC President Kennedy is collecting this information from the divisions. Names will not be associated with rank and step. 

3.b. The LAUC web master recruitment is underway.

3.c. LAUC is preparing a commendation resolution for Myron Okada for presentation at the Fall Assembly.  President Kennedy is preparing draft language that she will present at the LAUC Executive Board Transition meeting which will take place in August.

3.d.  It was reported that UCLA pulled out of the START (Staff and Academic Reduction in Time) Program  (

3.e.  It was reported that, in an effort to avoid layoffs, the UCB Library has developed a Separation Incentive Plan (SIP) to encourage staff to voluntarily resign or retire. The plan, funded with one-time money, will pay staff with 20 years of service one year's salary or $50,000, whichever amount is less, to resign or retire. The Berkeley Library is the only unit of the University of California making this offer. 


4.  LAUC-SD Buddy for Ardys Kozbial, temporary librarian series appointee who succeeds Brad Westbrook on the UCAI (The Union Catalog for Art Images description at project. Because it is so near the end of the term of this Board, it was decided to defer appointing a LAUC buddy until the LAUC-SD Transition meeting in August when the new Board will be installed.


5.  Reviewed divisional interest in volunteering for local committees and assign new appointments. The following nominees were appointed. 

LAUC-SD Diversity Committee: K. Calkins, L. Leonard, S. Deng

LAUC-SD Research & Professional Development Committee: T. Harvell, M. Young

LAUC Committee on Committees, Rules and Jurisdiction: P. Weiss

LAUC Committee on Plans and Policies: C. Haynes


6.  Reviewed statewide nominations for representing LAUC within the UL (University Librarian) advisory structure: HOPS (Heads of Public Services), CDC (Collection Development Committee), and SOPAG (System wide Operations and Planning Advisory Group).


7.  Division committee’s annual reports

Committee chairs are asked to submit annual reports to Sam by August 13, 2004.


8.  LAUC-SD Transition Meeting Planning

The LAUC Transition meeting is planned for August 19, 2004.  Sam will check schedules and plan a LAUC-SD Transition meeting after the LAUC Transition meeting.


9.  Bylaws Amendments Proposal

A Bylaws amendment proposal was submitted for consideration by the Board by K. Lucas, outgoing LAUC-SD secretary.  The proposed amendments address the role of the Secretary.  The use of electronic mail to disseminate information from LAUC to the SD Division has resulted in a change in the work flow and process in a way that reduces the role of the Secretary.  Discussion of the proposed Bylaws amendments was deferred to the LAUC-SD Transition meeting.


10.  Scheduling 2004-05 SD Division Executive and Membership meetings.

It is useful to have division Board and Membership meetings prior to LAUC statewide Board meetings and Assemblies, though division meetings are not always scheduled to meet that sequence.  It is known that the Fall Assembly and Executive Board meeting will occur on November 4 – 5 at the Berkeley division.  How to better schedule division Board and Membership meetings is a continuing concern.


Respectfully submitted,

Kari Lucas, Secretary 2003/04