LAUC-SD Executive Board
December 16, 2004
Present: Present: Mary Linn Bergstrom, chair; Peter Brueggeman, vice-chair/chair-elect; Penny Coppernoll-Blach, R&PD; Becky Culbertson, CAPA chair; Sam Dunlap, past-chair; Tony Harvell, Diversity Committee Chair; James R. Jacobs, delegate; Rob Melton, Rob Melton, Chair, LAUC Committee on Professional Governance; Adolfo Tarango, member-at-large, Jeff Williams, secretary/treasurer.
- Approval of the November 18, 2004 Executive Board minutes: the Executive Board approved the minutes with the submitted changes. The board agreed that approval of the minutes would be conducted via email from this point forward, with the Secretary/Treasurer giving the Executive Board a week to submit changes, and then sending the completed minutes around for final approval via email.
- Emeritus librarian status, as per charge to the Professional Governance Committee: Rob Melton, Chair, LAUC Committee on Professional Governance Committee, came to the LAUC-SD Executive Board at the request of LAUC President Terry Huwe to gather information on any LAUC-SD efforts to define librarian emeritus status. Rob described that the charge from Terry Huwe also asked Rob to consult with Library Human Resources on any current or past efforts to define Librarian Emeritus Status at UCSD. Rob informed the Executive Board that UC Berkeley has developed procedures for appointment of emeritus librarians, and distributed a copy of UC Berkeley’s procedures.
The members of the Executive Board agreed that they were not aware of any significant efforts to define librarian emeritus status at UCSD, and at this point, there was no benefit seen to initiating a large-scale examination of past LAUC-SD documentation. Rob will meet with Maria Din, Head of Library Human Resources, to complete his charge, and plan to attend the next meeting of the LAUC-SD Executive Board to report on what he has discovered.
- Name change: Committee on Cultural Diversity > Diversity Committee (any action needed?): the LAUC-SD Executive Committee agreed that the bylaws change of the Diversity Committee was agreed to by the full LAUC-SD membership, and simply needs to be changed in the Bylaws. Secretary Jeff Williams agreed to make the change as soon as possible, and inform the Executive Board upon completion.
- Professional development support – data collection: Mary Linn Bergstrom and Pete Brueggeman are proceeding with a model of the costs associated with professional development.
Penny Coppernoll-Blach reported that the Research and Professional Development committee had discussed if it would be appropriate to provide funding for research-related travel. Penny reported that in general, R&PD agreed that this would be appropriate on a case-by-case basis, with clear parameters established on what types of travel funding could be funded. The Executive Board recommended that Mary Linn and Pete meet with R&PD to learn more about R&PD’s discussion of this topic.
- Mentoring pilot program – next steps: Mary Linn requested a revision to the document, and stated that she would be sending a call for volunteers for a program committee.
- Webmaster charge: Mary Linn distributed copies of the LAUC Webmaster position charge. The Executive Board agreed that this could serve as the basis for creating a LAUC-SD Webmaster charge.
Mary Linn will send out a request for someone to help her create a LAUC-SD Webmaster charge.
- LAUC-SD materials located in the 5th floor “express room”: Mary Linn and Kari Lucas recently went through the LAUC-SD material in the 5th floor express room. A locked cabinet of LAUC-SD materials will be moved from its present location on the 7th floor, to this 5th floor space. The Executive Board was concerned about how privacy for mothers could be ensured.
The Executive Board discussed how to best provide access to LAUC-SD files as well as LAUC-SD equipment. Suggestions for housing and providing access to LAUC-SD files included housing them at the SRLF, or Pete Brueggeman volunteered to house some materials at SIO Library (but not archival collections which can be processed into SRLF). The Executive Board agreed that the feasibility of housing LAUC-SD files at the SRLF was should be investigated. Mary Linn will take the lead on investigating this option.
Penny Coppernoll-Blach agreed to bring the question of providing access and technical support to the LAUC-SD laptops and projector back to R&PD for discussion.
- Local election calendar: Sam Dunlap will bring draft of LAUC-SD election calendar to next Executive Board meeting.
Reports Continued
- Diversity Committee: Diversity has scheduled program by Sharon May from the Institute for Transgendered Education, details to follow. Diversity is looking to play a financial support role for an upcoming LHR program on recruitment. The committee is once again investigating the feasibility of establishing a library fellowship targeting under-represented groups.
- CAPA: Becky Culbertson distributed a handout documenting a recent change to the ARPM commissioned by library administration. The Executive Board was concerned that there did not appear to be any type of procedure for LAUC-SD to influence, or prevent unilateral changes to the ARPM on the part of library administration. Mary Linn will investigate what procedure exists for modifying the ARPM.
- R&PD: the committee is getting closer to being able to offer a digital version of the Patriot Act program. The committee will announce when the program is available.
Next meeting: January 20, 2005