LAUC-SD Executive Board Meeting
July 21, 2005
Research Services Conference room
Attending: Peter B, James J (minutes), Sam D, Penny C, Mary Linn B (Chair), Tony H, Sue M
1. LAUC Statewide will have its transitional meeting in Oakland on August 25, 2005. Jenny, Mary Linn and Peter will attend.
2. LAUC-SD will have its transitional meeting at the August 18, 2005 LAUC-SD Executive Board meeting. Incoming board members will be invited. Mary Linn will bring coffee and refreshments.
3. LAUC-SD chairs’ (incoming, current and outgoing) meeting with Brian - Mary Linn sent the report to be included in these minutes:
July 6, 2005
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Brian Schottlaender, Mary Linn Bergstrom, Sam Dunlap
Diversity fellowship:
Brian asked whether it was the intent of this fellowship to increase the number of junior/entry level librarians hired or specifically to improve the number of underrepresented minority librarians on staff. We confirmed that the proposal was intended to increase the number of minority librarians. Discussed need for more data about our hiring patterns and entry level librarians and possible ways to create incentives for hiring newer librarians, eg: returning to the unit some portion of the differential between salary for new librarian vs salary for more experienced.
Discussed complications in recruiting for underrepresented minorities given California legal restrictions.
Action items:
MLB will gather statistics from LHR
BECS will meet with Jorge Huerta, Associate Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer to discuss proposal
Professional development funding increase:
We thanked Brian heartily for his creative implementation of the generous increase.
Update from Spring Assembly:
Focused on Assembly discussion of LAUC Open Access E-Journal proposal. Described the reservations of LAUC-SD Assembly delegation and next steps for discussion by LAUC-SD members. Brian is concerned about feasibility, sustainability and purpose.
Action: Discuss proposal at July 26 2005 LAUC-SD membership meeting [Brian is unable to attend]. Report summary of discussion to Jenny Reiswig, as incoming LAUC president. [cc LAUC-SD members]
LAUC-SD election results
Reported results of LAUC-SD elections to Brian.
4. E-journal proposal:
Discussion centered around how to run the membership meeting so as to remain focused. It was decided that 3 questions would be posed to the membership for discussion:
1) Does LAUC-SD membership favor a LAUC OA journal?
2) What questions or red flags are there in the current proposal?
3) What alternatives are there?
5. Committee Appointments:
R&PD has 4 open spots with 5 volunteers. Diversity has 2 open spots with 1 volunteer.
ACTION: Bergstrom will contact Lynda Claassen, Jim Cheng (both rotating off R&PD but interested in continuing) and Kari Lucas (volunteered for R&PD) to see if any of them would be interested in serving on the Diversity committee.
6. Committee reports:
CAPA: The Executive Board commented on the lateness of Administrative Actions and notifications on the Academic Reviews this year
Diversity: none
Mentoring: none
R&PD: none.
7. R&PD announcements and question:
Coppernoll-Blach and McGuinness asked about creating monetary guidelines for future research proposals as an internal working document. Exec Board did not see a problem or conflict with the bylaws. R&PD will work on it and bring it to a future Exec board meeting for review and discussion.
8. R&PD has agreed to again put $200 toward LAUC members’ professional development allocation. Total for ’05-’06 fiscal year will be $1700.
Meeting adjourned 10AM.
Respectfully submitted,
James R. Jacobs