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April 2005 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board

April 21, 2005

Present: Mary Linn Bergstrom, chair; Peter Brueggeman, vice-chair/chair-elect; Penny Coppernoll-Blach, R&PD; Sam Dunlap, past chair; Sue McGuinness, R&PD; Rob Melton, Guest; Adolfo Tarango, member-at-large; Duffy Tweedy, Mentoring Committee Chair.

Statewide position paper review process: Brueggeman solicited membership input, will compile and query Executive Board, then submit to Bergstrom.

Professional Governance Committee: Melton discussed Committee's "Special Charge" to review/discuss status and effectiveness of assistant and associate ranks of librarian series, asking Executive Board for input, priorities, methodology, etc.  Suggestions to query librarians,department heads, and LHR regarding data on rejections, challenges, etc.

LAUC-SD budget: Executive Board discussed budget, expenses, and dues.  Bergstrom will bring to membership for discussion.

LAUC-SD Chairs meeting with UL: Discussed with Brian the membership responses on the statewide strategic plan.  He noted the audience for the statewide strategic plan, which is reflected in how it is written.  After this discussion, the document recording the discussion at the membership meeting  was submitted to LAUC President Terry Huwe.  Brian expressed interest in Diversity Committee's proposal for an internship, noting California dilemma about diversity-oriented recruitment.  He will discuss with Maureen Harden.  Brian was receptive to the proposal for increased professional development support, and will consider it.

Bergstrom will set a LAUC-SD pizza party date.

LAUC Spring Assembly web site is up, showing many business items for the Assembly.  Brueggeman will be attending statewide Executive Board meeting for Bergstrom, who cannot attend.

McGuinness reported on statewide discussion of a Research and Professional Development proposal involving incentives for survey response for students.

Coppernoll-Blach reported that some revised research proposals were not addressing suggested revisions by the statewide Research and Professional Development Committee.

Tweedy reported for the Mentoring Committee, saying Maureen Harden will present a $3,000 budget to Cabinet on behalf of the Mentoring Committee, for expenses in support of Committee work.

Dunlap reported for the Nominating Committee, saying it was hard to fill a few nominations, but was hopeful for a slate shortly.

Next meeting: Thursday, May 5th.

Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Williams, 2004-2005 Secretary/Treasurer.