LAUC-SD Executive Board
17 March 2004
Research Services Conference Room, SSHL, Geisel Library
- The Diversity Committee—the committee is planning a program on generational diversity issues for Tuesday, June 8, 1:00pm – 3:00pm, in the Seuss Room. Guest speaker is Neil Murray, formerly director of the UCSD Career Services Center.
- Status of Temporary Librarians at UCSD: Should Temporary Librarians have Buddies? It was determined that academic appointees in the Librarian Series regardless of the length of their appointment are LAUC and LAUC-SD members. The Board will await ML Bergstrom’s findings before finalizing the following actions. ACTION: The LAUC-SD Buddy Program applies to temporary librarians. The peer review process applies to librarians if their appointment is longer than two years. LAUC and LAUC-SD grant funds are available to temporary librarians if their employment cycle coincides with the grant cycle. Professional development funds are available to temporary librarians; however caveats apply that limit availability: if there is a short end date to the librarian’s temporary appointment and at the discretion of the department head.
- Highlights of the LAUC Executive Board conference calls on February 9 and March 9. Feb 09: There was a round-robin discussion of various issues: the revised charge to the Position Paper Task Force is out the task force deadline is April 15; budget deliberations at the campus level. March 09: There was program planning for the Spring Assembly on May 13 at Riverside. The afternoon program will be entitled, “One University, One Library: Campus Budgeting Perspectives.” There was a round robin discussion about how the peer review process is conducted at the campuses (much variety). Discussed strategies for forming a Distinguished Librarian Task Force to develop a statement of criteria and recommend placement of the designation Distinguished including decoupling the designation from the steps.
- Update on privacy-related activities.
- The R&PD Committee—the Committee is planning a state-wide program (May 17 or 18) which will be advertised all LAUC members that will take place at UCSD on implications of the PATRIOT Act. Several speakers are in the process of being lined up. One is Judith F. Krug, the Director of ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom. Another is Karen G. Schneider, who is Chair of the California Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee and currently a member of ALA Council. She is also now the Director of, the Librarians' Index to the Internet, writes a monthly column on the Internet for American Libraries, and is an adjunct professor at San Jose State University, and she began the web site
- The library policy statement is in the process of finalizing the language and the going to the Admin Team.
- The Patron Information Privacy Task Force membership and charge with a deadline of June 30 will be announced soon.
- Follow-up from LAUC-SD discussion on update of the Jan.7 LAUC Chairs meeting with Brian:
Can LAUC-SD help with the recruitment process?
Can LAUC-SD begin a discussion of issues surrounding recruitment and retention? (SPEC Kit 276, Recruitment and Retention, September 2003)
Should LAUC-SD provide mentoring for UCSD library staff attending Library School?
In terms of the first question, the Board discussed how LAUC-SD members are generally quite involved in the librarian recruitment process, from reviewing draft job descriptions when appropriate, to posting advertisements on listservs, to inviting colleagues to apply, to serving on search and screening committees, to hosting lunch for each candidate on the interview day. The Board was not sure what else LAUC-SD could do in the librarian recruitment process.
ACTION: The Board requested that Sam clarify with Brian what is meant by “help” in the first question above.
ACTION: In response to question two above, sure LAUC-SD can begin a discussion. No problemo…
ACTION: In response to question three above, Sam agreed to draft a charge for a task force to develop a LAUC-SD Mentoring Program. He will distribute a draft to the Board for feedback before presenting to the membership.
- DEFFERED: How may (or should) LAUC be involved in local library budget cut deliberations? LAUC is interested in more global issues, including our mission, priorities, and recruitment.
- Nominations/Elections Committee update on the 2004-2005 slate of candidates and timetable for elections. It was reported that there is a complete slate of candidates. The statewide election is June 10. The divisional election timetable will coincide with the statewide election. The Committee will present the slate and open the floor for nominations at the March 23 LAUC-SD Membership Meeting.
- Should LAUC-SD R&PD consider paying for access to the Library Literature database? The Board decided via email that because librarians are reviewed on criteria that involve current knowledge of their field’s research as reported through scholarly literature, it is required that the UCSD Libraries subscribe to Library Literature. The Board agreed that rather than using temporary R&PD monies, the Library should provide access from permanent funding sources.
- CAPA Update--CAPA has been meeting since February. Approximately 21 out of 26 files were submitted by the as of this meeting date (03/17). The handful that are outstanding involve preparation and technicality issues primarily.
Respectfully submitted,
Kari Lucas, Secretary